Acknowledgeable Achievements and Accoutrements

[quote=Melesse]Um, hi.
Influence 100. On my mantlepiece. Although, of course, as SpaceMarine9 says, it’s going to be … difficult … when those options arrive.[li][/quote][/li][li]
Wow. And here I thought I had been handing out cards aggressively!


I am now a PoSI! I mean, so is everyone else, but I’ve finally reached that pinnacle.


Now to see how much higher I can get them before Time calls on Thursday.

I am currently holding 600 fate on an alt and i am ready to notability rush like there is no tommorrow.

It is not something to be proud of, but I might become the first player whose alt becomes a PoSI before the main character… The race will be decided in the next hours.

Update: the alt made it to the Bazaar Sidestreets already, and has one of the required items for the Velocipede. Main character still trying to get to Tales of the University 25… so, so lame

Final update: Finally ,my main character beat my alt, only because I log him first every morning…

70th Bottle of Fourth City Airag.

Of course, now there’s an actual use for large amounts of the stuff, so that might be as high as I go. If I were a more experienced Connoisseur of Neathy Delights I could trade the whole collection (over time) for 2 vials of M_____'s B___d. There’s no way I could draw enough Presumptuous Little Opportunities before the De Gustibus content vanishes, so I wouldn’t be able to obtain and use the M_____'s B___d with that content. But I assume it will be good for something else in the future besides that and getting a Spire Emporium (which I already have), so I figure I should obtain it at some point.

Notability 14. [Also Sympathetic to Rats 35, but I am aware that I am well behind that particular curve!]

My sense is that Notability up to about 20 or so would be reasonably plausible without undue stress. Somewhere around there diminishing returns and limits on actions probably kick in. But the ability to ‘bank’ excess Waves via Nights on the Town is extremely useful.

Well, after MUCH waiting for a particular card (thanks a lot, Cheesemonger…), I am at last a Person of Some Importance! :D In more unusual news, I bought my way into the Royal Beth via Antique Mysteries BEFORE passing that particular threshold. :)

20 consecutive evenings spent in the Tower of Sparrows may, perhaps, be a record? :-)

Ain’t no party like a Fallen London party…

Ain’t no party like a Fallen London party…[/quote]
And a trip to the Tomb Colonies to get rid of the hangover :)


Ain’t no party like a Fallen London party…[/quote]
And a trip to the Tomb Colonies to get rid of the hangover :)

Oh yes, yes indeed. Scandal only 11, pshaw…

We could it ‘the bandages tonic’ :)

I now have over 500,000 pieces of Rostygold.

My partner and I were the first people to have the 10,000 “organising” level wedding, and reached that level in a week. I call that our singular, greatest accomplishment. We even got a unique item out of it that I will display as soon as I feel like I’ve showed off my shiny stab medal long enough.

I’m very happy today! I’ve broken the highest record for &quotThe Boatman’s Opponent.&quot The previous record was I believe held by this person:

J.L Moriarty has now reached &quotThe Boatman’s Opponent 50: A Monochromatic Myrmidon.&quot
edited by friendshipranger on 4/3/2014

rat army

when you’re bored and rich you’re allowed to do this sort of thing
(i’ve had two rats of glory trapped in my messages tab since christmas thanks to two rat benefactors, i accidentally accepted one a few days back an decided to use the other now because, hell, why not.)
edited by Spacemarine9 on 4/18/2014

Connected: Society has increased to 7777 - Famed!

I could have broken 10000 by now if I were more diligent about my grinding, but I think I’m still the most Connected fellow around?