Acknowledgeable Achievements and Accoutrements

Just became a Midnighter; other than cashing in confessions, it really was just grinding dinners. And passing the final check at 78%; I could have waited longer as it turned out given the current Time the Healer weirdness, but I didn’t know that :).

Does Wounds 13 (and counting) on my alt count?

Still up and running, too.

…I congratulate you on being most prodigiously dead. How is it that you are still upright and talking?

Probably at Zee - I have suspicion 11 at the moment and am not in New Newgate. For some reason I don’t have any wounds though.

I’m at the Races, which is a Fate-locked area. I’m VERY glad not to have been kicked out.

I haven’t been to the Races for ages, maybe when I get back to London.

Delicious friends, I must share momentous news!

Seeker of Names has just completed a Race with In The Lead 4. My Menaces are as follows:
Wounds 19
Scandal 6
Nightmares 8
Unaccountably Peckish 3

I HAD Suspicion 6 or so, before speaking to the Savage Sergeant.

I have decided I shall continue to Race until all of my Menaces have reached at least 10. Wounds should be about 30 by then. I shall spend so much time with the Boatman that we’ll be on a first name basis.

(Failbetter, can Seeker of Names please have in-game confirmation of the Boatman’s name? That would be both fitting and in-character.)

Well I have reached the limits of influence, and yea, thanks to some guttering star, even beyond.
[/li][li]EDIT:[/li][li]I believe I may have the most influential character in Fallen London now :P[/li][li]
edited by deadcrystal on 12/3/2013[/li][li]
edited by deadcrystal on 12/5/2013

Finally exchanged my Steamer for a Zubmarine.

I have 6667 Bottled Souls

Tonight I hit Connected: Society 5555

Still no cap yet. Onward!

[quote=deadcrystal]Well I have reached the limits of influence, and yea, thanks to some guttering star, even beyond.
[/li][li]EDIT:[/li][li]I believe I may have the most influential character in Fallen London now :P[/li][li][/quote]
I can’t screen cap on the computer I’m using right now, but my mantelpiece will show an Influence of 97. I think Space Marine 9 might have that capped, but until then, I’m claiming the title![/li]

I haven’t actually bothered to overcap my influence, because there’ll apparently be other uses for your Influence in future according to an Alexispost, and I don’t want to have to snub a good thirty people just to use those options :v

Um, hi.
Influence 100. On my mantlepiece. Although, of course, as SpaceMarine9 says, it’s going to be … difficult … when those options arrive.[li]

Notability 8 - even if ephemeral - is already an achievement?

Yes, it is! And you might be able to get one of the new buildings soon, since you only need Notability of 9 for two of them. Congratulations!

Awesome! But for the fact that tomorrow it’ll probably go back to 7. And, actually, i have no blood, theorems, or opportune locations :)

201 Connected Great Game. I want to know how people got their influence so high!

Probably not. Time, the Healer, visited my alt today and didn’t decrease her Notability (and the message said that Notability would not decrease during December).

I change the items displayed on my Mantelpiece and Scrapbook periodically, to highlight themes that amuse me. Usually, though, the item on my Mantelpiece is the most recently acquired uncommon item I’ve acquired, whether it’s one that is hard to obtain or not.