Achievements and other such things

A quite bratty, scratchy, no-good-at-all cat-monster that has so far bitten me thrice. I love it!


Oh my - Things have really changed since my Scandal 29 swansong…

…and I wish I had taken a better screenshot of it all those years ago.


Has it taken you all this time to recover from that much Scandal? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(A very impressive accomplishment I must say!)


Not as sympathetic as some, but more sympathetic than most.


What’s really bugging me is the fact that you’re only two more levels to world peace with the ratty folk around here.

Also, holy smokes was I gone for a long time! Couldn’t get into my account, of all things.


I am still thinking about siding with the Albino Rat or the Big Rat. Now, the Big Rat is captured and detained in The Flit.

Albino Rat, i get a nice little pet but the card is ‘useless’, and my Lab is already fully staffed, I can’t send the Albino Rat there.

Big Rat, nice extra option to grind Casing and gain Cherries. But no more ‘Sympathetic about Ratly Concerns’, and you might be only able to raise it by a nominal level, to level 2 or 3 perhaps, and only when a rare card comes along.

If you only care about mechanical benefits, Big Rat is the way to go. Sympathetic towards Ratly Concerns is mostly vanity once you’ve finished this story anyway.

I’ve just achieved one of London’s innards. On to acquire the others.


How many 7’s did you count in your hoarded masses of Cryptic Clues, Rostygold, Collated Research, and other possessions? (Excluding equipment.) I counted 27.

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funny question. currently 55. I am sure they somehow influence the RNGods …

Perhaps if one’s number is a multiple of seven, they would be exceptionally lucky.

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I’m pretty sure I’ve done everything I can to dick over the God Eaters.

I’m running out of grinds. I have a heptagoat and an ubergoat, a saddled and unsaddled hellworm and boots and polish, cider, the achievements for 400 weasels, possessed weasels, and woesels, one of everything that can be bought from the bazaars in different locations, all the hearts game prizes, a tattoo of my noman. Hellworm cheese, all (?) of the t8 items.

Need to find what else to occupy my actions with!


Try Memories of a Doubled Spring. It’s not that hard compared to some other things above, but it will occupy your attention for few months.


I think there’s currently an option to occupy her in your lab not as a regular employee and even if you’re fully staffed and equipped. I haven’t gotten there yet, but I think it’s similar to the option to bring in the rest of your library

Are you unaccountably peckish for a new goal?


I’ve done SMEN on a different character (that one is stuck in the high wilderness now).

I’ll start prepping for another noman. I’d done the tattoo back before Whitsun noman was implemented or else I would have done both at once…

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One can do both in the same year? I thought the Tattoo cost the Norman?

I guess I need to reevaluate the prep I need to do till January…

EDIT: January 2026 that is. Getting the Noman to Whitsun is a little too ambitious from my current vantage.

Next grind: raising Sympathetic about Ratly Concerns to 777.

I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I got the tattoo and then kept counting how long my nominal lived.

Of course FBG might have changed that when they introduced a second long-lived-noman quality.