A Spire-Emporium (and other Lodgings)! Gadzooks!

The cool thing is, you can already see a Spire-Emporium in the already-existing Premises at the Bazaar. It’s just up and distant as an unreachable tower.[li]

Oh man, I can’t wait. I don’t care what I’m doing when that Spire becomes available - I shall go and do whatever I need to get it! So cool looking.

Living in a snail shell is an interesting idea, however. I can only imagine.

EEEeee! excited flailing MORE KEYS! :D So excited. I love collecting lodgings keys! (…yes, I know I’m odd, shush.)

I’m so with you, Inky. I have the whole set of Lodgings now, and I want it to stay that way!

I sense a theme. Remote, or well-defended. Are these the lodgings that will let us keep certain cards out rather than giving us more cards in? I guess we shall see. Either way I’m excited. (dibs on the giant snail.)[li]

I love the look of the Spire. It suits a person aiming for influence and power like my character. I do hope these do something more than just give more scrap though. At the moment there isn’t much difference for me between a 3 card and 4 card lodging, even though it was so much work to get premise at the bazaar. Admittedly I’m not a knife and candle player, but Is still hope these new places do something interesting.

To me, nothing looks cooler than the moody, atmospheric Dripstone Temple… and if these locations are connected with potential schemes, what better place for an Occult Society than a remote temple? And what could go on in a Snailshell house? A zoological collection? The trendiest art gallery? An excellent restaurant?

On the subject of schemes/things in general happening at these lodgings, the Spire-Emporium seems like a great way for you to open your own shop and become a merchant. Buying and trading goods and favors seems like something that would be dreadfully fun.

Maybe we will be able to upgrade our current lodgings to these new ones. Turn that cottage in the marshes to the snail option perhaps. I only suggest this because there would be no need for two premise at the Bazaar options. Except for the joy of owning property of course! I just remember that failbetter has a policy of not adding more work than needed in order to keep Fallen London at a manageable level.

[quote=Rook Crofton]To me, nothing looks cooler than the moody, atmospheric Dripstone Temple… and if these locations are connected with potential schemes, what better place for an Occult Society than a remote temple? And what could go on in a Snailshell house? A zoological collection? The trendiest art gallery? An excellent restaurant?[/quote] Ohhh, my character would be ALL ABOUT the zoological collection, they already have quite a collection of beasties.

I want a size 8 lodgings. So that I can flush my whole deck in one click (and keep a couple of cards). Ready to throw my money at the screen.

Failbetter has just surpassed itself this holiday season. You guys are the best!

edited by Owen Wulf on 12/12/2013

This sounds likely! The idea of hunting a giant snail to convert a hut into a snail house sounds pretty fun. By the way, I just remembered that Cabinets of Curiosity / Wunderkammer (another possible scheme option) often feature shells alongside the usual paintings and statues. Maybe the best place for a collection of curiosities (or zoological specimens) is inside a giant specimen?

I wonder what kind of scheme actions would occur at a zoological collection? Leading people around? Feeding unwary visitors to the specimens? Sounds like fun!

I want that dripstone temple. Want.

Confirmation: the Twitter just tweeted about the Newgate Cellar, using the term “address”, so they’re very probably all addresses. Most delicious!

&quot Old newgate &quot cellars. I want. Its smoky flophouse 2.0![li]

Possibly. Let us not jump to conclusions. Address could refer to the fact that it is a location rather than someplace we could own. Still, fingers crossed.

I do like the distinction from New Newgate though.

So is it just me or is the theme for this series of lodgings “Remote,Ancient,Bizarre”? The previous ones were a bit more… well simple. A shop,A hotel room,A guest room.
Now we got a snail, a giant prison, a temple and… a big tower.

Well, new Schemes were announced, so new Lodgings could be not too far out there. But they could also be simply new locations, a bit like the Gamekeeper’s Cottage. I wouldn’t know what to choose _

Well well, looks like there’s two more images in the ol’ ow.ly!