A list of Bazaar items not to buy

I am creating a list of pointless items you can buy in the baazar. If you wish to see anything added or something removed, comment said item and reason.

I bought the items on this list so you wouldn’t have to. You can thank me later.

Carrow’s Steel
Emergency Blunderbuss~0.50
For half an echo, this +1 Dangerous blunderbuss will be obsolete within a day. The sell price is 40 percent of the buy price.
Bottled Oblivion~0.80
The point of this item is to lower your stats. Sit still for a moment and let that sink in. Also, it sells back for a penny.

Maywell’s Hattery
Ridiculous Hat~0.80
Imagine if someone turned bottled oblivion into a hat. That pretty much is all there is to say.

Dark and Savage
Pair of Iron Manacles~0.80
This is not only useless, but if you really want one, you can just kept the free ones from the start of the game.

Gottery the Outfitter
Bundle of ragged clothing~0.03
Persuasive -1. I am not even kidding when I say that going nude is better.

Nassos Zoologicals
Talkative Rattus Faber REMOVED
Even though this companion has his downsides, he has been proven useful in situations by several in the comments, and is thus removed from the list.

Pair of scuffed boots~0.20
You pay something, It does nothing!
Pair of leg irons~0.80~REMOVED
this piece of prison apparel may seem useless,but it is vital if you are looking to boost your renown:criminals through the use of an old bone skeleton key. Also, I suppose if you are buying supplies for new Newgate…

As a note, many of these items may be useful at a given time. Thus, below I have marked items that are being considered for removal.
Ridiculous hat for getting into mahogany hall/ambition
Bottled oblivion for ambition/stat tuning
Blunderbuss for beginning players

edited by GamerGallade on 1/11/2016
edited by GamerGallade on 1/11/2016
edited by GamerGallade on 1/11/2016
edited by GamerGallade on 1/12/2016
edited by GamerGallade on 1/13/2016
edited by GamerGallade on 1/14/2016
edited by GamerGallade on 1/17/2016

The Talkative Rattus Faber is pretty good if you want to raise your stats by making easy challenges more difficult. I also used to use it to access storylets I had outleveled.

I am sure there will be at least one person to defend either the ridiculous hat or the bottled oblivion. If you really want to lower your stats (maybe to draw lower level cards?) use a rattus faber. The effects are removable and reusable. The rattus faber is still on the list because of the size of the loss, though. And if you forget to unequip it, you will suddenly find yourself failing everything.
edited by GamerGallade on 1/11/2016

-The talkative rat is very useful, actually. It can be used to manae challenge levels for greater stat gains and to unlock options you’ve overleveled.
The blunderbus is pretty useless.

The manacles, leg irons, and ragged clothing are useful with high Criminals renown and an Old Bone Skeleton Key

The Ridiculous Hat has its uses. In the Nemesis Ambition,during one day of Mr Sacks’ visits for a Nightmare wipe, and as part of the price to unlock the route to Mahogany Hall. (Talkative rat is needed for this, too.)

The scuffed boots are useless as best I can tell, unless you really don’t want your character going barefoot.

I will remove the rattus faber from the list if enough people agree. Just to mention, the rattus faber is useless pretty much until you have stats close to the PoSI threshold.

probably the four cards lodging, they just cost too much

The Rattus Faber is also pretty useful if you want to draw particular cards that you’re about to level past (some such cards are quite profitable). For the same reason, any equipment with negative modifiers, like the Bundle of Ragged Clothing, sometimes comes in handy.

Things you should never buy from the Bazaar unless you really have to, because the Bazaar is profiting off human struggles at the juncture of labor, money, and love:

  • Anything sold by Merrigan’s Exchange that costs under an Echo per

A clarification: you can obtain all the four card lodgings elsewhere at prices cheaper than the Bazaar itself.

for that reason is worthless buying them at the bazaar

[quote=metasynthie]The Rattus Faber is also pretty useful if you want to draw particular cards that you’re about to level past (some such cards are quite profitable). For the same reason, any equipment with negative modifiers, like the Bundle of Ragged Clothing, sometimes comes in handy.

Things you should never buy from the Bazaar unless you really have to, because the Bazaar is profiting off human struggles at the juncture of labor, money, and love:

  • Anything sold by Merrigan’s Exchange that costs under an Echo per

For clarification, the rattus faber was on there because when you are about to level past, it drops it by 25, thus making said card likely to fail. The odds can go down to a coin flip, but you have got to consider that you are dealing with an RNG. Never trust an RNG.

Rattus faber is being removed due to it being useful in certain situations. Also, I do see wraith’s point with the lodgings.

You can use it to enter the story, go to your inventory and swap the rat out, then play the action…

That is an amazing idea!

[quote=GamerGallade][quote=metasynthie]The Rattus Faber is also pretty useful if you want to draw particular cards that you’re about to level past (some such cards are quite profitable). For the same reason, any equipment with negative modifiers, like the Bundle of Ragged Clothing, sometimes comes in handy.

Things you should never buy from the Bazaar unless you really have to, because the Bazaar is profiting off human struggles at the juncture of labor, money, and love:

  • Anything sold by Merrigan’s Exchange that costs under an Echo per

For clarification, the rattus faber was on there because when you are about to level past, it drops it by 25, thus making said card likely to fail. The odds can go down to a coin flip, but you have got to consider that you are dealing with an RNG. Never trust an RNG.[/quote]

When you go past the maximum level without bonuses, you equip the rattus and some bonuses. That way you easily get any desired value between -1 and -24

Bottled oblivion and Ridiculous hat - has certain story uses in Ambition:Nemesis, my main’s ambition.

Talkative rattus faber - what the others said about removable stat reducing gear. He was also helpful to me in a certain ratty story. You can also get a certain mini space crab from it during the Christmas season.

Agree with Emergency Blunderbuss.

[quote=Pyrodinium]Bottled oblivion and Ridiculous hat - has certain story uses in Ambition:Nemesis, my main’s ambition.

Talkative rattus faber - what the others said about removable stat reducing gear. He was also helpful to me in a certain ratty story. You can also get a certain mini space crab from it during the Christmas season.

Agree with Emergency Blunderbuss.[/quote]

I understand why you find the hat and oblivion useful, but that is only a single good use and is unavailable to most.
edited by GamerGallade on 1/11/2016

Some people might like certain items for aesthetic purposes. I know when I first started playing and didn’t really take things seriously yet, the stuff I bought was more to try to re-create my character’s appearance in the game he was from, rather than for any stat boosts.

That obviously didn’t last long, but I suppose if someone was really hung up on a character having a signature weapon or hat or something, they might not care how useful it actually is.

Because I enjoy being perverse:

Ridiculous Hats are necessary to get into Mahogany Hall aren’t they? Also, I believe having one opens up an option in the Fate-locked Shroom-Hopping … albeit, not a terribly exciting one.

I’ve been told Bottled Oblivion can be used in the Blemmigan exceptional story. It’s also used in the Nemesis Ambition.

As many people have pointed out, the Talkative L.B. is a great way to keep getting stat-boosting Patron lesson, even after your stat has passed 100.

Finally, I find that a set of manacles or leg irons lends a certain curiosity-piquing panache to one’s mantelpiece.

Carrow’s Steel
Emergency Blunderbuss~0.50
For half an echo, this +1 Dangerous blunderbuss will be obsolete within a day. The sell price is 40 percent of the buy price.[/quote]
Can be useful/convenient to fine tune Dangerous to get exactly 90% chance of success in a Dangerous challenge, for an average of 1.9 increase of Dangerous. Or fine tune Dangerous to get any other specific percentage that is slightly more beneficial than the next step up.

The Talkative Rat has in game uses as well - one seasonal and currently available, the other for a long storyline. Also, its best use to an early character used to be retrieving one of the better suspicion reducing story lets. That’s now Airs of London based though.

Hats are needed for Mahogany Hall’s cost (as now, ha, many have said as I typed this!)
edited by Parelle on 1/11/2016