A guide to raising connections

I’m starting a new thread for this, since the lead post in the last one hasn’t been updated in a year. I’ve tried to identify the best repeatable methods in London for experienced denizens of the Neath (main stats 100+) who’re not necessarily at the content boundary. I’ve included opportunity cards where they’re more effective than the available storylets.

If I’ve missed something, or you spot a mistake, please let me know and I’ll update the post. Also, I haven’t covered options at the University or creating works at Court, but I have the numbers for both written down somewhere. If people are interested in those I’ll add them.

This is my (almost) first post, so… hi everyone, I’m fairly new to the Neath but look forward to stabbing you all with grace and refinement, just as soon as I’ve settled in.

General ways to raise connections

The Carnival

If your connected is less than 10, you can spend two actions and a carnival ticket to gain 10-30 change points (hereafter ‘cp’), depending on the faction. This works for all factions other than Benthic and Summerset.

Factions I’ve checked:

  • Constables: 30cp[/li][li]Criminals: 10cp (not capped at 10)[/li][li]Duchess: 20cp[/li][li]Hell: 30cp[/li][li]Orient: 30cp[/li][li]Revolutionaries: 20cp (takes three actions)[/li][li]Rubbery Men: 12cp

Connection items

Connection items can be bought at the Bazaar and used when you have connected 10-19 with a faction. This takes three actions and most (or all?) give 75cp in exchange for 150p worth of items.

They can be sold for 250/500p less than their purchase price, so may be worth buying one even if you only plan to use them a few times.


  • The Criminals connection item can only be used with connected less than 15;[/li][li]The Benthic/Summerset item can be used with connected 1; [/li][li]The Bohemians, Rubbery Men and Benthic/Summerset items all sell for 30 to 50 echoes less than their purchase prices.

Conflict cards

Ten conflict cards unlock when you have connected 5 with each of two factions. These let you trade 15cp with one faction for 30cp with the other. Many options also give 30-100p worth of items and affect quirks. The combinations are:

[ul][li]Bohemians - Church[/li][li]Church - Great Game (Church gives second chances)[/li][li]Church - Hell (Hell gives 1cp scandal; Church gives -3cp scandal)[/li][li]Docks - Urchins[/li][li]Hell - Urchins (Urchins gives 3cp wounds)[/li][li]Orient - Urchins (Urchins gives -3cp nightmares)[/li][/ul][ul][li]Constables - Rubbery Men[/li][li]Revolutionaries - Rubbery Men (Rubbery Men gives 1cp scandal)[/li][li]Rubbery Men - Tomb-Colonies (both options give 1cp wounds and 5 carnival tickets)[/li][li]Society - Tomb-Colonies[/li][/ul]You can use these to increase connections with all factions other than Benthic, Criminals, the Duchess, and Summerset, for a net benefit of 15cp per action (along with other detriments/benefits).

This is usually more efficient on a per action basis than using storylets (the exceptions are Bohemians, Revolutionaries and Society), although it takes longer in real time since you actually have to draw the cards.

One good use of these cards is to transfer cps from easily grindable factions to others – for instance, from Bohemians to the Great Game via the Church. This is possible only if the factions are on the same side of the blank line in the list above: you can use your Society connections to indirectly boost your relationship with the Rubbery Men, but not with the Orient.

Two more cards become available with Docks/Orient 30 and Constables/Criminals 50. These give some items and 30cp connections with the favoured faction at the cost of massive penalties – at least 465cp – to the other.

Raising specific connections


[ul][li]Publishing poetry in praise of the Duchess at the Palace gives 22cp Bohemians and 10cp Duchess.[/li][li]Giving a public lecture in the Forgotten Quarter gives 15cp Bohemians, Revolutionaries and Society and 1cp suspicion.[/li][/ul]The Church

[ul][li]There are no good storylets for this if you’ve finished your business at the Court and University. Giving the Bishop a Hound of Heaven provides some cp (50?) and a cellar of wine, but this requires a lengthy trip to Zee which will probably cause you to miss more than 50 potential cp from opportunity cards. It might be worthwhile if you have a spare Plated Seal. If the Airs of London are right, you may also be able to gain 5cp and 22 glim for three actions by undertaking the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner’s quick commission in Veilgarden.[/li][li]Cards: Attending a fete on the Church connection card gives 10cp Church and -1cp nightmares; working diligently for God’s Editors gives 5cp Church, -1cp scandal and nightmares, and 1cp austere.[/li][/ul]Constables

[ul][li]Selling information in the Flit gives 30cp for 6cp casing. If using a Gang of Hoodlums with a 100% success rate, that’s 11.25cp per action.[/li][li]Providing training in Watchmaker’s Hill gives 5cp and 47 rostygold.[/li][/ul]Criminals

[ul][li]Selling information in the Flit now gives 10cp Criminals and 10cp Shadowy for 10cp casing. That gives 2.65cp of each if using a Gang of Hoodlums, but it appears to be capped at Connected 50.[/li][li]If you have 5 casing and 2 suspicion, you can also watch those watching you in the Flit for 30 cryptic clues and 2cp Hell, Constables and Criminals.[/li][li]Meeting criminals at the Carnival isn’t capped at 10. This is probably a bug. If that doesn’t bother you it’s currently the best way to grind this connection. It gives 4.66cp per action, or 5cp if you have a surfeit of carnival tickets.[/li][li]Cards: you can remind your hoodlums who’s boss for 10cp Criminals and 1cp suspicion; frustrating Jack-of-Smiles on the Tower of Knives gives 10cp Criminals and Revolutionaries (but only if you are an annoyance and he’s still around). If your Shadowy is less than 119 you can get 5cp and 80 moon-pearls from a normal success on the little people card. Choosing a bare-knuckle prize fight as your penance gives 5cp Criminals and either 100 rostygold and -5cp Constables or 60 rostygold, depending on whether or not you decide to fight the policeman. Stealing a dirigible on the merry sort of crime card gives 15cp Criminals.
[/li][/ul]The Docks

[ul][li]If your Dangerous is 90 or less you can take a break from duelling in Wolfstack Docks for 5cp Docks, 15 cryptic clues and 3 morelways. Since you can reduce your Dangerous by at most 22 using equipment, this won’t be possible if your Dangerous is greater than 112.[/li][li]Cards: you can exchange 10 rostygold for 10cp Docks and 2cp Dangerous on the Docks card; and an oddly effective option may also be available to those who seek a certain name.[/li][/ul]The Duchess

[ul][li]Publishing poetry in praise of the Duchess at the Palace gives 10cp Duchess and 22cp Bohemians.[/li][/ul]The Great Game

[ul][li]No storylets available to high-level characters increase this.
[/li][li]Cards: failing the parliament of bats luck check (for which you must have a sulky bat) gives 8cp Great Game; you can also gain 70 cryptic clues and some cp (5?; capped at 15) while riding your velocipede. Visiting the Wry Functionary gives 20 cryptic clues, 2cp Society and 2cp Great Game.[/li][/ul]Hell

[ul][li]Selling information in the Flit gives 30cp and -6cp casing, for up to 11.25cp per action.[/li][/ul]The Masters

[ul][li]The only reliable, repeatable way to increase this seems to be by giving Mr Pages outrageous amounts of swag on the libraryette card (which you can draw if you have at least 100 proscribed materials). You can trade 10000 proscribed material and 50 jade for 1cp Masters and 10 appalling secrets, or an assortment of other stuff – 20 collated research, 80 touching love stories, 5 blackmail material and 5 uncanny incunabula – for 3cp. The proscribed material is worth 400 echoes whereas the assorted items are worth 375, so the latter option is much more efficient. The card can no longer be drawn once connected reaches 11. It can also be raised up to the same cap less efficiently by those who possess an Invitation to the Temple Club and a great many Romantic Notions.
[/li][/ul]The Orient

[ul][li]You can gain 10cp Orient and 36 jade through an audience with the Widow in Spite (requires connected 10) or 6cp and 42 jade by helping to bring in peach brandy (requires connected 5).[/li][/ul]Revolutionaries

[ul][li]Public lectures in the Forgotten Quarter provide 15cp Revolutionaries, Bohemians and Society for 1cp suspicion. This is vastly more efficient than blowing up statues or bankers in the Flit.[/li][/ul]Rubbery Men

[ul][li]Watching the rubbery specimen at the Carnival gives 20 amber, 2cp persuasive and 1cp Rubbery Men on a normal success. Grinding in Flute Street (Fate-locked) is significantly more efficient. Otherwise, this is best raised with conflict cards.[/li][/ul]Society

[ul][li]Being erudite at the Palace gives 33cp Society.[/li][li]If you have access to court, you can help with someone else’s scandal for 30cp Society and 20 greyfields 1882, or take afternoon tea for 10cp Society and 84 whispered secrets.[/li][li]Cards: giving someone a lift on the respectable landau card gives 150 whispered secrets, 1 appalling secret and 20cp Society.[/li][/ul]The Tomb-Colonies

[ul][li]Depending on the airs of London, you may be able to increase this by a modest amount when meeting the Cheery Man (if indeed you favour him). Many storylets and cards in the Tomb Colonies give 1cp and scandal reduction, but little else. This is best increased by spending Society connections through the conflict card.[/li][/ul]University

[ul][li]Helping a colleague with a problem gives 40 cryptic clues and 5cp Benthic and Summerset.[/li][/ul]Urchins

[ul][li]Speaking softly to the Fisher-Kings in the Flit gives 3cp.[/li][li]Cards: A lucky weasel can be exchanged for 10cp Urchins and 2cp Shadowy on the Urchins connection card.[/li][/ul]Edit: updated to accommodate the changes to visiting Acquaintances. This is now done via opportunities cards rather than storylets.

edited by Flyte on 5/21/2013
edited by Flyte on 6/20/2013
edited by Flyte on 7/22/2013

You can also raise The Great Game on The Windward Tower Card. It lowers Rubbery Men and gives 2 Scraps.

Haven’t checked out the cp.

That’s 1 cp

I don’t see the Masters on this list

I left that one out because it only gives 1cp, which is less than visiting the Functionary. In general I’ve only mentioned cards which I think compare well with the available storylets. I agree that the Windward Tower card is useful, but that’s because of the scraps rather than connections.

It’s a fair cop. I’m almost certain this can only be reliably and repeatably increased through the libraryette for Mr Pages card. Does anyone know exactly how many change points the options on that card give? It’ll be a while before I can scrape together 800 echoes of obstacudence, and I fear I am not among the principled few who can truly claim to be less interested in a nice new pair of lenguals than the pursuit of Science.

If they already like you and you’re very lucky, I think you can sometimes gain it at the Carnival. But you’ll probably just offend Mr Irons.[li]
edited by Flyte on 5/20/2013

I think the 10k Proscribed Materials option is 1CP, while the Special Books give… 2 or 3?? i think

Tyvm for listing that revolutionaries storylet, btw. I won’t need to cash in my Connected:Urchins in the flit now =)

[quote=Spacemarine9]I think the 10k Proscribed Materials option is 1CP, while the Special Books give… 2 or 3?? i think[/quote] So I just did a forum search and it convinced me that the numbers were indeed 1cp and 3cp, as of 14 months ago. This is probably still true and I’ll update in a sec, but if anyone has been buttering up Mr Pages recently, confirmation would be good. I checked almost every number I haven’t question marked in the last couple of months. I don’t want aggrieved Londoners adding lacre to my rubbery lumps or whatnot.

It seems the Carnival rare success is capped, so that’s an even worse idea than I thought.

[quote=Aximilio]Tyvm for listing that revolutionaries storylet, btw. I won’t need to cash in my Connected:Urchins in the flit now =)[/quote] Glad I could help. I often spam that one gleefully while in my most unassuming garb just before taking certain steps to eliminate my menaces.

Also, does anyone know how many Criminals cp you get from helping the safecracker escape New Newgate? I think it’s quite a bit but I haven’t drawn that card in ages. EDIT: solved.

edited by Flyte on 5/21/2013

It’s definitely 3 for the Special Books. I haven’t seen Mr Pages in quite a while on my main account, however, which leads me to believe that the card won’t show up if your Masters connection is too high.

Many thanks! I think you may be right about the card no longer showing up. At any rate, no one has put a connection higher than yours on their mantlepiece.

I am delighted by the name of your owl.

Actually, the highest I’ve seen is fourteen, which two people have. They’ve been at 14 for a while though, and 14 seems like an odd stopping point if it’s possible to bring it higher. I think it’s a new cap.

I’m glad you like my naming decision. ^^ Definitely one of my favorite games.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 5/21/2013

One other Card-based way to increase Criminals is picking “A merry sort of crime” from the “Dirigible Theft” card. Unlike many other Criminals cards that unlock at higher levels, this one increases your Connected quality. (The wiki claims it’s 15CP; I haven’t verified the exact amount yet, but it seems correct.)

[quote=Seberin]One other Card-based way to increase Criminals is picking &quotA merry sort of crime&quot from the &quotDirigible Theft&quot card. Unlike many other Criminals cards that unlock at higher levels, this one increases your Connected quality. (The wiki claims it’s 15CP; I haven’t verified the exact amount yet, but it seems correct.)[/quote] As luck would have it, I just drew this very card. The wiki’s right – I’ll update accordingly.
edited by Flyte on 5/21/2013

My recollection is that it stops being available once your Connected: Masters reaches 10.

If you have access to the Temple Club, you can raise your Connected: Masters using the storylet there, but it requires 2500 Romantic Notions for each change point (not level, change point), which is not terribly efficient but probably is the only option available at that level.

[quote=Catherine Raymond]My recollection is that it stops being available once your Connected: Masters reaches 10.

If you have access to the Temple Club, you can raise your Connected: Masters using the storylet there, but it requires 2500 Romantic Notions for each change point (not level, change point), which is not terribly efficient but probably is the only option available at that level.[/quote] Thanks – I’ve added the cap on the libraryette card, and mentioned the Temple Club.

Not sure if it is worth mentioning but trading 500 souls for sherry also gives 25 cp Devils. It’s much less efficient than selling information (10 actions to get the souls usually and 1 to cash in/2.5 cp per action) but also gives echoes.
edited by Silbey on 5/22/2013

Thanks – I didn’t know about this, since my character isn’t one to give souls to Devils (which is, uh, damnably inconvenient, especially since it seems to be necessary to continue with his Ambition.)

According to the wiki, this gives 100 sherry. If that’s right, you don’t actually profit from the conversion itself, aside from increased connections. You get 91p and ~2.3cp per action.

It still seems to be the best source of sherry, but someone more interested in befriending Devilry while turning a tidy profit would do better to alternate casing and the Affair of the Box or one of the other cash cows.
edited by Flyte on 5/22/2013

flyte- yes, it is 100 sherry, I just double-checked it. Most of this type of transaction is 500/105, but not this one sadly.

The connections are treated as 2p/cp. 2*25Cp = 50p, which explains the difference.

I’m looking to increase connections with the Docks and am curious as to what the “oddly effective opition” is, being a seeker myself.