So, after putting long hours into exploring the Unterzee, I am beginning to find the music a tad repetitive. I know some might not have experienced this if they don’t visit the same places for long enough, and I will give credit where credit is due – the music took very long to get repetitive enough for me to start turning on podcasts while I play.
But, given that I know many of you share my desire for grinding for Echoes and the time that usually takes, I was wondering if there was any plan to incorporate new music in the form of Sea Shanties that could be sung by your crew to decrease terror, so long as you had done some event to collect the shanty and they had a cooldown (after all, no crew would sing the same shanty over and over again). I came upon this idea after deciding to turn on the Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag shanties in the background, while keeping the sounds of the sea on, and seeing how well they’ve meshed. I am fairly certain you have a dedicated community that would be willing to write shanties themed for the zee, so was curious if the idea had ever come up?