Yuletide Treasure [fic]

Some of you may know there’s an event every year where writers gift each other fics from obscure fandoms. There’s a passel of EBZ fics this year –


– so I thought I’d open this thread to squee and share recs. Because. EBZ fic. For Christmas. Squee!

(So far, I really recommend Whispers of Immortality. The tags include ‘Practical Hagiography’ and ‘Donating One’s Body to Science.’)

[quote=narcissus_echo]Some of you may know there’s an event every year where writers gift each other fics from obscure fandoms. There’s a passel of EBZ fics this year –


– so I thought I’d open this thread to squee and share recs. Because. EBZ fic. For Christmas. Squee![/quote]
I’m hopelessly in love with http://archiveofourown.org/works/299795, myself.