Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 20
Height: 155 cm
Build: Matronly, the type that a child (or a lover) could snugly embrace, and robust, the type that can single-handedly eliminate a horde of angry Constables.
Skin color: Medium olive
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Hair style/quality: Waist-length and wavy, worn undone/braided/swept in an updo, whatever the occasion calls for.
Usual clothing style: Comfortable dresses in deep jewel colors. Whenever she feels homesick, a simple kutubaru kebaya and a sarung of intricately patterned chintz. Doesn’t like wearing corsets, but for parties she would tightly wrap her waist in a lengthy scarf over her chemise.
Usual demeanor: Rambunctious, with a contagious optimism. Loud, brash and unashamedly flirtatious, even when her grammar fails to catch up. Gets very angry very easily whenever she sees injustice or suffering.
Voice: Sweet, deep and sticky, not unlike honey. Stopped pretending an English accent long ago, now unashamedly comfortable in her percussive Southeast Asian accent.
Other remarkable details: Persistent eyebags. People quietly assumed her as one of those honey-sippers. To tell the truth, she just doesn’t consider sleep important. Especially when one is an occasional lover of the Sardonic Music-Hall Singer and Feducci, and a full-time caretaker of her adopted Winsome Orphan, Severin, as well as Hector, the Nadir-shocked Firebrand.
Aristophanes Quartermaine
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: Late 40s
Height: 187 cm
Build: Slender, with a minimum "dad bod"-ness thanks to years of eschewing the S-Bahn for cycling through the Berlin commute.
Skin color: Dark olive, with a smattering of diminishing freckles.
Eye color: Clear green, often glowing viric when he’s dream-walking.
Hair color: Brown. Just… brown. Not exactly dark, not really light either.
Hair style/quality: Chin-length curls.
Usual clothing style: When venturing outside the house; fitted midnight-blue frock coat, tasselled cane, stovepipe hat, and painstakingly-polished shoes. When inside the house; hoodies and boxers. In Parabola, he became as a Byzantine emperor. What a huge history nerd. He even brought his books with him to the Neath, much to his daughters’ chagrin. ("We could have used that space for more clean underwear!")
Usual demeanor: Spends a good portion of his days in Parabola. Has an air of easy elegance around him, easily weaving in and out of Society circles. Yet he does not possess the arrogance expected from his cultivation - in his waking nights, he would either walk to the Docks or to the Clay Quarters, listening to the downtrodden.
Voice: Deep yet soft, almost melodious. Never raises his voice. Impeccably British.
Other remarkable details: Once visited Dr. Schlomo early on to help him make sense of the Parabola, ended up refuting ALL his theories through Lacanian psychoanalysis and Baudrillard’s simulacrum theory. The Viennese alienist ran out crying. During Aristophanes’ Parabola stroll that night, a smiling old man in brass jewellery and once-white linen approached him by a drowned forest.
Prometheus Quartermaine
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 172 cm
Build: Sturdy from regular sparring, chubby from always being the fastest to the dining table.
Skin color: Very pale, with a smattering of diminishing freckles.
Eye color: Clear green, mostly avoids eye contact.
Hair color: Strawberry blonde.
Hair style/quality: Silky straight, waist-long. Always worn long, sometimes tied to a ponytail.
Usual clothing style: Opera cloak worn over plaid flannels, sweaters, or plain black t-shirts. Docmarts. Hooked cane, in case of fights. Always black, sometimes green or blue.
Usual demeanor: Rowdy and intense, often found organizing in the docks or clashing with neddy men. Somehow, after her involvement in the unions a lot of those neddy men turned around and joined them. Rumormongers painted her as a mighty seductress, to which she replied "not even the thiccest[sic] ass could stand a chance with good agitprop."
Voice: Too high-pitched for her liking, tries to make it sound deeper during conversations. Chirpy laughter. Still remembers the British accent, but under pressure (or alcohol) she yields to the more familiar German.
Other remarkable details: The portal was her idea. Wanted to help with her sister’s history assignment. Due to a miscalculation they arrived at a different universe through the Nadir, to the spectacle of Sekar intervening the lovebirds’ quarrel. Found employment immediately under April, now scrambling to find a way to go home.
Grainne Quartermaine
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 12
Height: 145 cm
Build: Slender from intensive theatre study, also from never being the fastest to the dining table.
Skin color: Medium olive, with a smattering of diminishing freckles.
Eye color: Hazel, with lush eyelashes.
Hair color: Brown. Dark brown.
Hair style/quality: Curly wilderness down to her back. Either left loose or worn in a braided bun.
Usual clothing style: An array of sleeveless tunics, flowing skirts and crop tops, covered with a trench coat or pashmina. Mostly barefoot for better energy sensitivity.
Usual demeanor: During the false-day, she’s usually painting, writing short stories, or studying the Neathbow alchemy at their cramped room, avoiding being scooped by the Constables for not being at school. During the false-night, she spins threads of cosmogone and viric radiated by her dream-walking father. Sometimes she comes to the roof, giving lessons to the urchins in exchange for Correspondence tutelage, scribbled in viric ink to pacify the flames.
Voice: Unassuming and light, but can be played to elicit various effects, ranging from mollifying coos to thunderous roars. Distinctly German, but can switch to a passable British accent.
Other remarkable details: An energy witch, she is profoundly attuned to the powers unique to the Neath. Although this proves most beneficial to her creative and scientific endeavors, the things that crept into her dreams are beyond horror. Even by Neath standards. Eschewing their father’s protests, she had to rely on laudanum brought daily by her sister to sleep well.
edited by sekar on 8/30/2017