Your character as an NPC

I would be The Distracted Researcher, someone who has done plenty of research on every mystery of The Neath, but keeps getting distracted by other mysteries before he can make significant discoveries or progress. Still, he’s the guy to go to if you want a Beginner’s Guide to some of the neath’s bigger mysteries, because he knows a little about a lot.
edited by Kylestien on 5/21/2016

I can’t really decide between The Dissolute Drifter (Pers./Dang.) and The Illuminated Antiquarian (Watchf./Shad.). Who says I can’t be both? :badrazz:

What/whom are you mourning for?

What/whom are you mourning for?[/quote]
The ignorance of London, the Neath, the Liberation, the Judgements. As a result, the Manager has a tendency to weep into their Starveling Stole.

I’ve written a bit about my main character, always from another FL character’s POV, and he is referred to as the “Outlandish Ruffian.”

By the time a potential sequel rolled around, he’d probably be a broken hearted, drunken wreck who alternates between crying into his beer and getting into drunken (and ultimately unsatisfying) debauchery. And, of course, he’d always be quick to drop what he’s doing and rush to the rescue if he sees someone in trouble (though his effectiveness in actually stopping mischief may have diminished significantly by then :P )

The Singular Librarian. Her tinted spectacles are suspiciously violet, Her features seem more exotic than you’d expect for her profession, her half almond grey eyes an odd contrast to her black hair.

She’s always been there; no one has asked for how long. Ask her - she’ll know where to find what you’re looking for. She might carry the card catalog about in her head. Or in her heart.

The Entangled Dreamer. A scholar of dreams and of the correspondence. Given to visions. Overly fond of anything that triggers visions - honey, cider, sap, absinthe. Entirely too close to the sorrow spiders. She still has her eyes. But they are stormy.

She will trade you a story for a story of your own. She does like love stories. So does the little sorrow spider on her shoulder.

If you give her honey or cider or the right absinthe, she might tell you something really interesting, when her eyes clear.

You may dream of her, later.

Pyro will become the Bandaged Guildmaster the leader of the Hunter’s Guild, the reforged remains of The Department of Menace Eradication. He will pay you with Ratness items (for food) and wines (for infections, wounds and pleasure) for various bounties.

Rudolph will become the Iridescent Smuggler. They will reward you with Rubbery and Mystery items in exchange for emancipating Rubbery men or helping them build their society by funding them with large amounts of Amber related items.

Hm. How will other people look at me?

Oh no. Oh no. No.

I don’t suppose the Curious Captain will change at all.

Which is to say – of course – that they shall be nothing like what they are now, save a tiny handful of things: They shall appear from the Zee or from Mirrors, they will reveal truths they ought not know, they shall always possess a hunger for life’s passions in both joys and griefs, and they shall always possess a certain felinity in their nature.

Oh, and you will always wonder if they are just a bit short for a man in a dress, or a bit tall for a woman in trousers.

Considering we know that the next fallen city will likely be Paris around the time of the 1910’s, I suspect The Romantic Egotist will thrive in Paris’ art scene of the 1920’s.
From writers like Hemingway and Sinclair Lewis, to the theatre of Antonin Artaud to the innovative artistry of Picasso and Matisse, The Egotist would fit right in. He might even inspire a young Scott Fitzgerald. And he would, undoubtedly, have an acquaintance with a young Anais Nin.
He brings a firsthand account of the Aestheticism, and its practitioners, of the late 19th century these artists much admired. Such an impassioned rejection of Victorian didactic proselytizing might even find him a place at court with the Romantic minded Emperor; who is decidedly not dead from Zulu stabbing.

The Devil-Touched Dandy: a (mostly) human face for the business of Hell. Useful to Hell because some people are more comfortable dealing with someone who isn’t a devil, sought out by humans because they may have just enough sympathy and kindness left to be moved to pity, if one’s story is sorrowful enough.

My Character would probably be known as, ‘‘The Bizarre Observer’’. He observes secrets no other man would observe. He observes people and learns what makes them tick. This gives him many connections with the organizations and groups of people in the Neath, and he observes people a second time to steal their possessions. He is very strange, and goes on many equally strange adventures.

The &quotIndulgent Larcenist&quot generally appears quite enigmatic in front of the general populace, bug anyone who knows him well will see a veteran thief. He is an excellent man to engage in conversation with, however.

Anyone who is well acquainted with this man knows that he is quite trustworthy and reliable when it comes to information and experience. He is an artful speaker at parties and an excellent dipper otherwise. However, he has no interest in learning the Correspondence and he sometimes gets zeezick out there.

And he also has quite a bit of money. While some may still be misers on the journey to influence, the Indulgent Larcenist picked up the highest quality items he could purchase before stepping foot into Mahogany Hall or the Empress’ Court.

My character has already surrendered his original name, for reasons all too apparent to any who may ferret it out. As for NPC, I would be beyond pleased to see. However, his use is mostly due to my ridiculous lack of specialization and the high likelihood of a PC stumbling upon him in virtually anything they would care to do.

My character has definitely become The Affable Gardener. His success in such endeavours directly corresponds to how well he achieves his goals in FL. If he gets his hearts desire there will be a magnificent flourishing garden thriving inspite the apparent lack of sunlight. If not, he will grow parasitic plants such as monotropa as well as fungi. It’s also heavily hinted at that he is part plant himself, or at least host to them.

EDIT: Alternatively he could be a professor of some sort, or a questant such as His Amused Lordship
edited by Dean Lee on 6/12/2016
edited by Dean Lee on 6/12/2016

[quote=Dean Lee]My character has definitely become The Affable Gardener. His success in such endeavours directly corresponds to how well he achieves his goals in FL. If he gets his hearts desire there will be a magnificent flourishing garden thriving inspite the apparent lack of sunlight. If not, he will grow parasitic plants such as monotropa as well as fungi. It’s also heavily hinted at that he is part plant himself, or at least host to them.

EDIT: And if he does survive his increasingly insane quests and knowledge-seeking pursuits, he will not be the same.[/quote]

Your avatar is really creepy, and not at all plant-ish.

I suspect Fallen Manhattan would borrow heavily from F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck. As a proud American who embraces both qualities and menaces of his society, I would absolutely adore this game. Imagine: it could be set in the 1930s after Roosevelt, desperate to help his people, sold New York to the Masters in an attempt to help salvage the economy.

My character would be a kind, hard-working doctor who understands that New York is on the precipice of something huge, but finds it far more important to help people with it. An ally or opponent on a quest to secure an important resource depending on whether you opt to use it to help others, keep it for yourself, or trade it for valuable and rare information.

[quote=Koh Kai Ying][quote=Dean Lee]My character has definitely become The Affable Gardener. His success in such endeavours directly corresponds to how well he achieves his goals in FL. If he gets his hearts desire there will be a magnificent flourishing garden thriving inspite the apparent lack of sunlight. If not, he will grow parasitic plants such as monotropa as well as fungi. It’s also heavily hinted at that he is part plant himself, or at least host to them.

EDIT: And if he does survive his increasingly insane quests and knowledge-seeking pursuits, he will not be the same.[/quote]

Your avatar is really creepy, and not at all plant-ish.[/quote]

I was aiming for eldritch plant, his hair and beard are green tinged, but clearly not done enough.

I’ll work on fixing that up I guess.

It’s probably the virulent green glowing eye and the smile, which forms a really scary contrast with the silhouette.