writing a short story

Why was the option to work with others on getting potential removed? Do we know when it will be returned?

It used to be abused to write classic short stories and ruined the point of trade secrets, to use “actual experiences” to write. It probably wont return, and if it does, it might get a limit or function differently.

Oh ok.

Speaking of which, how high should my Potential be before I risk it all on a Classic Short Story? I welcome community input.

After I lost 4 trade secrets to the check I could only go for 100%, wasn’t dissapointed, on the other hand I used around 40 case notes that I got from the election so it only took another 4 trade secrets to get it to 100%.

the point is, you will regret failing it, and remember, no matter how high your chances are, unless it’s 100% you will just fear the option till the day you have to take it and when you do you will feel extremely horrible if you do fail.
edited by The Master on 11/7/2016

I think there are 2 philosophies of thought on when to attempt to write a Classic Short Story.

  1. Wait until you’re at 100% so you can’t fail (334 potential)

  2. Go for it as soon as you meet the minimum requirements (200 potential)

If you want to be absolutely certain of success, #1 is the best option. However, it requires 7-8 trade secrets (assuming you didn’t spend the election farming case notes) to hit that 100% success rate. That’s 4 attempts worth of trade secrets if you go for the minimum value. The minimum value has a success rate of 60% for a single attempt. Your probability of failing 3 times in a row (which is the maximum number of failures before you’ll wish you’d just saved them all up and gone for the 100%) is 6.4% ( = 0.064). Which is almost guaranteed. Almost. And if you have to go all the way up to 4 attempts where you’ll have had to spend an equal number of trade secrets you only have a 2.56% chance of being very very sad.

Given the numbers I’d say the minimum value approach is the best one. Unless the RNG really really hates you.

[quote=An Individual]I think there are 2 philosophies of thought on when to attempt to write a Classic Short Story.

  1. Wait until you’re at 100% so you can’t fail (334 potential)

  2. Go for it as soon as you meet the minimum requirements (200 potential)

If you want to be absolutely certain of success, #1 is the best option. However, it requires 7-8 trade secrets (assuming you didn’t spend the election farming case notes) to hit that 100% success rate. That’s 4 attempts worth of trade secrets if you go for the minimum value. The minimum value has a success rate of 60% for a single attempt. Your probability of failing 3 times in a row (which is the maximum number of failures before you’ll wish you’d just saved them all up and gone for the 100%) is 6.4% ( = 0.064). Which is almost guaranteed. Almost. And if you have to go all the way up to 4 attempts where you’ll have had to spend an equal number of trade secrets you only have a 2.56% chance of being very very sad.

Given the numbers I’d say the minimum value approach is the best one. Unless the RNG really really hates you.[/quote]
The numbers for the minimum requirement are actually even better, if you plan things out well. Potential works like Taste of Lacre; both qualities increase by flat amounts if below a threshold. So if you can get the Potential to exactly 149, you can use a Blackmail Material to get the Potential to 161. Then two Trade Secrets brings Potential to 211, which is a 63.3% chance. This way the chances of failing the first three times is 4.9%, and the chance of failing a fourth time is only 1.81%.

I think I’ll take my chances with 71% as soon as I have regained enough Notability to actually make use of the Making Waves from it. Come on, Amanuensis…

