why some of the wines have blue numbers ? (ios)

in mobile versions. why some of the wines have blue numbers ?

edited by Snado on 8/29/2016

thought this was some kind of word salad title written by someone who was either trolling or RPing a wacky character and is surprised to see a legitimate question here

Wish I had the answer for you, if only as a way to repay you for making me smile :)

word salad title. slowclap
i edited the thread name to be more clear
edited by Snado on 8/29/2016

Sinning Jenny did it!

I have no idea, Snado: None of the Wines items in the inventories of my main or my alt have manifested this phenomenon.

Ooops. This is a mobile phenomenon, and I don’t access FL via mobile. Sorry.
edited by cathyr19355 on 8/29/2016

i sold some of the second wine (morelways) and now its value is 99.
the number is no longer blue. maybe it becomes blue at 100 ?. why does it change to blue ?.

edited by Snado on 8/29/2016

It sounds like a bug; perhaps report it to FBG?