Fallen London is dreary, dismal, decrepit, and, altogether, not very nice to look at. There is no greater testament to this sad reality then the fact that so many Londoners flee daily into the sickly sweet embrace of honey dreams. There they hope to find the beauty, light, and excitement missing from their dreadful, dim lives.
The Captivating Princess herself is no exception to this rule; for all her wealth, she longs for the awe inspiring charms, sights, and treasures of faraway places: the Surface, the High Wilderness, and the Elder Continent. The honey she uses might be a slightly different shade from the usual, but her motives are essentially the same as any Vielgarden Bohemian or Society Heiress. In this sense the Princess represents the spirit of Fallen London far better than any other candidate. Her infamous depravity arises from the ever present dullness of our half-ruined neathtropolis.
The solution is to make the real, waking world as beautiful and exciting as any honey dream. The pleasures of Parabola and faraway places will lose their luster in comparison to the city’s new grandeur. In this way the compulsive dreamers shall be coaxed to remain with us a little longer each day. The Neath has many artists and visionaries who can accomplish this great work, whether at home or across the Unterzee, but until now denial and complacency have stopped our city from bringing them together.
The Captivating Princess has been accused of narcissism, of focusing purely on her own wants and desires. This is certainly true, but her medicine will also be London’s medicine. In diverting herself from her addictions, she will help all her subjects. And for this reason I am proud to help Make London Magnificent for Her.