Eight actions, actually. Remote addresses take five actions to move to. You can get a small amount of menace reduction in the process if you do it right.
Haven’t actually done the math myself, but I’m pretty sure that the difference in Nadir profitability from having two extra card slots would be pretty low. I do the swap every week anyways. Having a little more variety in grinding is worth a little less profit; going faster isn’t worth it if you get bored and quit.
I suspect that as more factions are converted to Favours it’ll become better to just stick with a five-card lodging for wrangling the most efficient cash-ins. Remote addresses would mean more Favours overall, but unlike cards those actions spent on switching lodgings have guaranteed value. An echo in the grind is worth two in the card deck?
I can’t really remember when I started working on Acquaintance: Sardonic Music-Hall Singer 10, but I think it was around January-March. Let’s say it was January (best scenario) so that gives us 6 months in which I used Sardonic Music-Hall Singer help card about 300 times. I do draw 80-100 cards per and and the average is that only this card popped around 11.5 times per week.
It is a lot and I noticed that this card has about 130%-180% frequency while the Ask for Help card is about 120%-130% frequency, but there are many more City Vices cards.
I am lucky enough and don’t have the Entanglement with an Old Friend card so let’s take this scenario where only one Vice card doesn’t exist. This gives us about 3 cards (the two singer cards), 0.2 from weasels card, another full one from Orthographic Infection (keeping Nightmares at 3 for Dream card), one more from Decadent Evening and let’s add the Plea from an Old Friend.This takes us to 6 Vice cards.
Considering the number of times the Help the Sardonic Music-Hall Singer and a 150% frequency means that I get about 46 Vice cards per week from an average of 630. Now, reduce two more cards from the fact that you’ll hold only 2 in hand (instead of 4) we get about 7% of useless cards can be avoided by moving to a remote location. And remember that this is the best scenario and the percentage may be higher.
May not sound bad, but while I was working on my achievement I became aware of the amount of Vice cards and they are very annoying! Conclusion: move to a remote if you don’t have mood cards or other that you wish to keep in hand!
edited by Skinnyman on 7/12/2017
Just playing through a few of the seasons of Exceptional Stories that came out before I became an EF, and I must admit I really don’t like it when Flash Lays turn up in the middle of one. It really just feels like filler, something to keep me busy and pad it out. If the actual cards were specific to the story but merely used the same mechanic I would probably feel very differently about it, but they aren’t. It’s just the same old flash lay stuff.
Probably had done one too many during the election, because when one popped up just now blocking the road in my story I said a naughty word. :)
I wonder if this was an experiment that was dropped? I can’t recall it happening in the more recent ones (but then again my memory isn’t very good so maybe it did).
There was some mass complaints along the lines of "keep these Flash Lays up and we will unsubscribe", then the Flash Lay was dropped starting from Five Minutes To Midday, where the Flash Lay (con a devil for their key) was replaced with the shortest Detective case in the game.