Why are Flash Lays so bad?

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Well if you believe you can only gain confidence by swindling people, you should get help. That’s a bad habit. Try therapy.

[quote=Tystefy]reads title
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Well if you believe you can only gain confidence by swindling people, you should get help. That’s a bad habit. Try therapy.[/quote]
Poor you, because I’m currently leveling Dangerous… best way to do that is to give people a good thwack.

Thanks for volunteerin’.

Personally I like flash lays, and for the most part Failbetter’s provided alternatives pretty much wherever they come up

But I rarely fail any of the checks which, i’m sure, makes them seem much shorter and therefore more fun

I actually really like Flash-Lays, and I prefer infinite decks whenever fixed storylets aren’t available (quitting doesn’t count). However, I will agree that Openings need to be buffed significantly, or even better made easier to acquire. Perhaps if they needed 6 Up Your Sleeve, added a Frequent card instead of a Standard one, and gave 10 Flash Lay’s Progress each time you played the card.

To me, with a maxed character, the only gripe is never seeing an Opening. I mean it literally - in all the Flash Lays I’ve ever played, from first playing around with them when they were introduced, through all the Exceptional Story uses, to last and this year’s Election, I have never had one Opening card. Actually, make that two maxed characters, though the other mostly played them just in Elections.
Of course the problem is that with that much Up Your Sleeve you’re most likely to just finish the Flash Lay by the time you manage to put an Opening in the deck, either automatically by reaching the hard target, or with some luck, by playing the ending card. Probably Openings should have a high frequency to offset this, and maybe solving Obstacles could be reduced in both difficulty and reward, like Saklad has mentioned before. Something like 3/6 UYS and only 15 Flash Lay’s Progress?
Other than that, for me it’s only mildly annoying, but I never actually seek it out by myself, only play it to reach some unique content, like Exceptional Stories, or Election dirt.

[quote=SamNorrey]To me, with a maxed character, the only gripe is never seeing an Opening. I mean it literally - in all the Flash Lays I’ve ever played, from first playing around with them when they were introduced, through all the Exceptional Story uses, to last and this year’s Election, I have never had one Opening card. Actually, make that two maxed characters, though the other mostly played them just in Elections.
Of course the problem is that with that much Up Your Sleeve you’re most likely to just finish the Flash Lay by the time you manage to put an Opening in the deck, either automatically by reaching the hard target, or with some luck, by playing the ending card. Probably Openings should have a high frequency to offset this, and maybe solving Obstacles could be reduced in both difficulty and reward, like Saklad has mentioned before. Something like 3/6 UYS and only 15 Flash Lay’s Progress?
Other than that, for me it’s only mildly annoying, but I never actually seek it out by myself, only play it to reach some unique content, like Exceptional Stories, or Election dirt.[/quote]

Yes, exactly. Has anyone seen this elusive opening? Maxed player here who’s done a fair number of flash lays too and it’s like an incredibly rare success with nothing to show for it.

I just went to have a look at the cards supposedly included in the Flash Lay, and it looks to me as if they may have been pruned. There are at least half a dozen I have never seen (including the opening ones), and I play the content reasonably often at both levels.
Having said that, I tend to accumulate up your sleeve actively and always opt for the extra obstacles, so I generally have at least one 25 point advance per lay.
edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 7/5/2017

THIS. I won’t derail this topic, but believe me, I could rant for a while…

I’m an EF with relatively high stats, so I also have less of a slog than most, but I can’t remember the last time I got to even create an Opening, let alone see one. Up Your Sleeve is severely useless and needs to be rebalanced.

The more people complain, the more likely this is to change, right?

[quote=navchaa][quote=SamNorrey]To me, with a maxed character, the only gripe is never seeing an Opening. I mean it literally - in all the Flash Lays I’ve ever played, from first playing around with them when they were introduced, through all the Exceptional Story uses, to last and this year’s Election, I have never had one Opening card. Actually, make that two maxed characters, though the other mostly played them just in Elections.
Of course the problem is that with that much Up Your Sleeve you’re most likely to just finish the Flash Lay by the time you manage to put an Opening in the deck, either automatically by reaching the hard target, or with some luck, by playing the ending card. Probably Openings should have a high frequency to offset this, and maybe solving Obstacles could be reduced in both difficulty and reward, like Saklad has mentioned before. Something like 3/6 UYS and only 15 Flash Lay’s Progress?
Other than that, for me it’s only mildly annoying, but I never actually seek it out by myself, only play it to reach some unique content, like Exceptional Stories, or Election dirt.[/quote]

Yes, exactly. Has anyone seen this elusive opening? Maxed player here who’s done a fair number of flash lays too and it’s like an incredibly rare success with nothing to show for it.[/quote]

I had no idea there was such a thing! I’ve never seen it, and I’ve played a fair number of these damned things, both with a maxed stats character, and with alts who have varying levels of stats.

Never seen an Opening card in my life, save for the “turn the Obstacle into a beneficial Opening” option on Obstacle cards, paid for in ridic amounts of Up Your Sleeve.

I don’t bother turning obstacles into openings anymore. I just take the 25 progress option using 5 Up Your Sleeve.

Perhaps Up Your Sleeve should linger between Flash Lays, capping at 8. That way you can accumulate it in one Flash Lay, and spend it in the next one to create an Opening early on, so you actually get use out of it.

I find them very tiresome and boring, and the fact that they’re part of the election makes it worse–doing a flash lay 20 times for my career is dull.

I actually think they could be tweaked in this way: when I’m over 75 but don’t get the make a move card so I have to go to 100–no more obstacles! I’ve literally gotten 3 obstacles trying to get from 75+ to 100! I never have enough up your sleeve to clear them. I’ve gone through flashlays incredibly fast, and I’ve had them take forever. I’m actually ok with the randomness of it. Even having to go to 100 one time in 4 flashlays because of no make your move card is acceptable to me–if only the obstacles stopped once you hit 75!

Having recently noted my suspicion that the opening cards may no longer be in the pack – I saw one in my most recent FL. So I take it all back. (It was a bit of a non-event, all the same.)

the problem I have with them outside the election is that its horrible and obnoxious to do at the point in the game were the resources you get for completing are actually valuable.
and then if you get your s and p high enough to stop it being obnoxious then its a waste of dam time to do.

Am I the only one who is mostly irritated by the deck constraint? Especially since it seems to be spreading (e.g. the Zee used to have a house-sized deck, I believe, and now it’s fixed to three cards as well), which really defeats the main point of 5-card lodgings on most cases.

One thing could help is to have smaller simpler lays with less or no obstactacles and a smaller deck for smaller cons and bigger longer and more complex lays with all the trappings for truly audacious cons on the level of Rasputin, Titus Oates and Bernie Madoff. This ones would take several hundred progress and give reward that could beat the AoB epa if you get lucky. They could also raise some quirks to 15.

Zailing was switched to a three-card infinite deck quite a long time ago, before flash lays were even introduced. Five-card lodgings were never incredibly useful anyways since Remote Addresses take more cards out of the deck. Five-card lodgings are only good for the Nadir, Polythreme, heists, or if there’s a ton of London cards you want to keep in hand.

So out of curiosity has anyone done the math on switching between 5 card and Remote lodgings once a week for deck concerns? That seems like 6 wasted actions a week but it might be worthwhile.

Zailing was switched to a three-card infinite deck quite a long time ago, before flash lays were even introduced. Five-card lodgings were never incredibly useful anyways since Remote Addresses take more cards out of the deck. Five-card lodgings are only good for the Nadir, Polythreme, heists, or if there’s a ton of London cards you want to keep in hand.[/quote]

I played a ton of flash lays to get 77 queer souls for my seeker, and I have to agree that a lot of the cards are really useless, and it makes it not fun and also really odd? Like, why do some cards give 7 progress for free to a high level character, but the cards that give you an obstacle only give you 5 progress in return?
And even though I’ve done about a hundred and fifty flash lays at this point, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the reward for converting an obstacle. Considering obstacles only show up at above 30 progress, and most flash lays end at 75 progress, the 25 progress you get from removing an obstacle usually just finishes it?

And of course, sometimes you get really unlucky and end up wasting a huge number of actions drawing worthless cards. Nothing’s worse than being at 98 progress and having to spend 8 actions complementing a chef to get the cards out of your hand. And then finishing the flash lay with 123 progress and an opening you’ll never get to see.
edited by Captain Kaladin on 7/11/2017