Ima make this more like a story, since i enjoy writing that way more.
The story in here
A huff of air leaves through the wraps on her head, ones that are often seen covering her face no matter what else she may wear on top of them. She wanders down the street on her trek back home, longing to get back to the only family she knows, the one she built herself. A family that consists more of creatures then humanoid beings, but a tight knit family none the less, for she speaks to them all and they listen to her and communicate back, in less then words yet the messages convey more then spoken sentences could ever say.
On the way back she runs into an old friend, whos eyes glow with a ring of dim red, a non-human aura about them to those who pay close enough attention. Instinctually a hand raises to her heart, a non existent ache where feelings should be, an empty void where her soul once lay. She stares at the ‘man’ infront of her, a wicked smile lay on his face, but one that perhaps holds some fondness, if you were to look hard enough. “Penea, it’s been a while old friend” He speaks, words silky and laced with an undertone of sensuality, a tone she has heard many a time before, from both of them
“indeed it has. Found another person to lure into your guys web?” she asks, no emotion in her tone, though its not like she has any. But if she doesn’t, then why-
“Ah, i would tell you no, but you always could see through my lies. Though its not as if you can’t be accused of the same, with all those you have wrapped around your finger. I cant blame them though, nor you, you always had so much love to give, and you always were as tempting as sin itself” he drawls, a look of hunger in his eyes as he stares at her “you always were my favorite you know”
She speaks with no inflection, eyes staring dead into his own. They would look into his soul, though it’s unknown to her if he has one to call his own “I’m sure i’m not the first to hear those words, nor will i be the last. We both know how you work ***** , so an act is of no help to you. What is it you really want?”
He chuckles “always so perceptive, though you are wrong about one thing, you are my favorite” he smiles, a small fang pokes out from the left side of his mouth “you were my favorite toy, always so eager to please though it’s clear you’ve changed.” his mouth downturns slightly “i’ve seen you around, helping others with no need to, no gain. you don’t partake in the same events you used to, which is quite a shame” he sighs and brings a finger to trail along the cloth around her jaw “yet you still appeal to my brethren, what is your goal?” he asks, expression hardened though his eyes hold a fondness that can’t be faked, one that seems almost too soft for his kind
“so that is what you want, information on my plans” she asks, though it is clearly rhetorical “my actions are my own, and my intentions are for me alone to know”
he huffs and retracts his hand “you always were too secretive for your own good. but could you, as a friend, as once something more, do me a favor?”
she does not respond, but it is clear she is waiting for him to speak again
“please tell me you wont fight fire with fire? that you wont be so reckless as to go against the embassy” he asks, maybe out of concern for his council, or maybe out of concern for her.
She is silent for a second “as a curtesy for you i will say, everything will work out in the end” he tenses slightly at her non response, but she continues before he can speak.
“and i have no plans to harm the embassy, not yet at least. but if i ever did wish to, you and i both know who would win”
He relaxes slightly, staring at her once again with that unlikely fondness “yes, i guess we do” he takes a step closer, leaning up slightly as he holds the cloths on her cheek in the palm of his hand. ‘be careful’
She leans down, resting her wrapped forehead against his, ‘i will’. A promise shared with words not exchanged.
He places a kiss against the wraps where her cheek would lay, then steps away “you’re not just my favorite toy, but you know that”
She blinks “i know, but i’m not sure whether i believe it yet” her voice is soft when she says this, though emotions it still lacks
He smiles at her, genuine and lacking the edge it had earlier “one day you’ll see the truth behind my words. One day darling” he says, then walks away, soon disappearing into the shadowed streets of Fallen London.
“one day…” she repeats in a whisper, watching him leave before turning, to once again resume on her way home.
Just another day for many, yet perhaps one of more importance for some. The chill of hallowmas seeps into the streets and people revel in the festivities. Urchins play and prey up on the roofs, londoners lurk and listen in the shadows, ratus faber scurry about underground and above, a lady with a fully covered face and a devil with a rather kind smile meet again. Perhaps this is just the start, the beginning of something much greater, or perhaps it is not, only time will tell.
Jeez le heckin’ weeze
, i did not expect it to get this long, and whats worse is i want to make more.
This was supposed to be a character introduction and it became a whole story on one single interaction that took over an hour to write (no regrets though, i think i did a pretty good job).
I honestly feel compelled to make more short stories like this about my character, if anyone here actually took time to read this and would be interested in reading more stories like this, then let me know and i might make a topic post to put some in when i feel like writing them.
Im not sure if this fits the theme of this topic enough, but guess it kinda is still describing my character, so i hope it’s fine. And if not please tell me so i can move/delete it.
-Yours truly, Penea
Edit: I hid the story in the dropdown cause 1, it’s kinda long, 2 it may have spoilers, im not sure if it does but better safe than sorry.