So I was bored one lazy day (which by the way, happy May) and thought, hey, I know who and where my characters usually hang out in London. What about everyone else? Just curious. For some, this may be notably similar to the post “Your characters’ appearances?”, as some responders have listed their characters’ personalities, though I think all the internal traits deserve their own thread. As always with topics like this, feel free to add your reasons why. This post might as well end up with half the responses being Revolutionaries, but hey, give it a go:
Where do your Neathy selves like to relax, work, cherish their lives? Who are they associated with? Players? Factions? Anything inanimate, or at least presumably so?
I’ll start with my selves. a mere fool enjoys the presence of Zailors, fellow Urchins, and the occasional Rubbery Man. He is thrilled with anything adventurous, scientific, and artistic (though he is repulsed at the idea of a Bohemian lifestyle); so, say, Zeefaring, the Laboratory, and the Bone Market respectively. He is associated with The Clay Tailor Club, a clumsy but earnest Correspondent, and will absolutely never let go of his Gant Bowler of Fiduciary Responsibility upon any circumstances whatsoever. The Great King, like any respectable (and dreaded, but that is irrelevant) gentleman, is both intrigued and apathetic of Societal persons. As the “achiever of legends”, he is determined to overthrow the Bazaar and is very much acquainted with Revolutionaries. He supports the ideology of Benthic College, though the Laboratory isn’t exactly of interest to him. Instead, as a Silverer he is fond of Parabola, and is just fine whiling away the time seeking bones for reassembling in exchange of his services along with attending parties as one of Some Importance. He likes to twirl his Bejewelled Cane on strolls with a mere fool, and is strangely somewhat fatherly of his good friend. He flaunts his sense of humor and ironic scaredy-ness as a member of The Young Stags’ Club.