Who the Starved Men are, and the Castles.

The Starved Men and those Castles might be connected. Castle Claire and the Crying Heights, know them? The Starved Men might already have their origin figured out, but I’ve thought of a way they could’ve got their. You see, there are miles and miles(or kilometers and kilometer, depending where you live) of tunnels beneath Naples, dug by either the Romans or a paranoid king in the early 19th century. It is entirely possible that the Romans stumbled across the Neath, and seeing how that your character in Sunless Sea states that the Cumean Canal was used as a passage to the underworld in ancient times, it seems likely that the Romans used it as a canal as well. So they came down, and set up various ports. For some reason, all were abandoned, and only 1 is on an populated island. Some of the Naples tunnels stretched down to the roof, and there were probably a couple outposts and such. The event that lead the Neath to getting abandoned spared them, but they were stuck. They persevered. Building citadels and worshipping a new, very present god. The stars came, but they survived that. London fell, and a way up came down with it. This may be just a crazy theory but it’s the only way I can see them getting up there, and another force on the Neath existing.
edited by GoingFTL on 7/31/2017

How recent is the Travertine Spiral?

If you can walk up to the Surface then at some point you come in contact with the roof.

I wouldn’t assume anything about Romans bringing ships to the Neath. The canal is a series of locks where some of the tunnels containing the locks were created by the Masters. It’s a work of engineering. If Orpheus found his way down to the Neath and back again, he did it by walking most of the way.

Like the Spiral, at some point the tunnels to the Surface intersect the wall of the Neath, and climbing that wall would give access to the roof.

[quote=slickriptide]How recent is the Travertine Spiral?

If you can walk up to the Surface then at some point you come in contact with the roof.

I wouldn’t assume anything about Romans bringing ships to the Neath. The canal is a series of locks where some of the tunnels containing the locks were created by the Masters. It’s a work of engineering. If Orpheus found his way down to the Neath and back again, he did it by walking most of the way.

Like the Spiral, at some point the tunnels to the Surface intersect the wall of the Neath, and climbing that wall would give access to the roof.[/quote]

IMACANDLE says that the Cumaen Canal is recent, &quotalmost definitely constructed during the Fifth City’s tenure,&quot but that there’s really no information on the age of the Travertine Spiral: I was a candle

[quote=Catherine Raymond][quote=slickriptide]How recent is the Travertine Spiral?

If you can walk up to the Surface then at some point you come in contact with the roof.

I wouldn’t assume anything about Romans bringing ships to the Neath. The canal is a series of locks where some of the tunnels containing the locks were created by the Masters. It’s a work of engineering. If Orpheus found his way down to the Neath and back again, he did it by walking most of the way.

Like the Spiral, at some point the tunnels to the Surface intersect the wall of the Neath, and climbing that wall would give access to the roof.[/quote]

IMACANDLE says that the Cumaen Canal is recent, &quotalmost definitely constructed during the Fifth City’s tenure,&quot but that there’s really no information on the age of the Travertine Spiral: http://saint-arthur.tumblr.com/post/94962469857/do-we-know-about-when-the-cumean-canal-andor-the[/quote]
To be fair, there’s basically no information on the Travertine Spiral in general.

…there’s also the Last Labyrinth or whatever it’s called that only shows up in the Oath destiny branch, that goes to the surface too.

Though, July’s exceptional story had a pretty intriguing tidbit about how the tomb colonists access the Spiral.