Who are the good guys

A shame, I was always most intrigued by the tales told of his daring investigation into the devious plans of the Lorn Flukes!

But yes, sorry :&quot> :hijack:

[quote=the truthseeker]

(the truthseeker)

Balderdash! He had the NERVE to tell the Fallen London Great Game participants You Only Live TWICE?! While in the Casino Royale?!

He was immediately &quotrecalled,&quot debriefed, and deported on a Moonraker brand Thunderball to Russia, with Love.

I’m sorry, I can confirm neither the existence of any alleged Agency personnel with the codename of &quotQ,&quot nor if it is a Rattus Faber.[li]
edited by the truthseeker on 1/14/2016[/quote]

edited by Charlotte_de_Witte on 1/14/2016

Mr Eaten is the good guy. Root for the drowned man, who’s been deceived. A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.

I actually feel so bad for him. I wish I could help him but I know it’d be folly to try :P

I love you all for that. :)
Society seems to be mostly self-centered, but not plotting any great and terrible plans.
What are people’s feelings on the Duchess?

Most spies don’t know they are spies, just people who got paid some change to listen to something and then report it to someone.

I’m rather fond of the Bohemians, myself, and have been ever since I began playing. They’re just out to have a good time, and even the fall of London isn’t going to stop them.

But to better answer your question, everyone has their own motivations, and some factions are morally grey without being necessarily evil. Part of what I like about Fallen London is finding out for yourself who’s who, and making up your own mind as you go along. (For example, my perception of the Revolutionaries has changed a few times since I began playing, and I still can’t decide for certain what to make of them. ^_[1] Which I think is fantastic.[/i])

  1. i ↩︎

If I were you, I would befriend the tomb colonists. Anyone else agree? dead silence ok, I guess nobody else likes them, but still, give it a shot. Just avoid the ones without bandages, they’re only there for scandal.

I like them! They’re fun to hang out with when you get yourself exiled :D

Some are in Her Enduring Majesty’s Secret Service?

Trust me, the revolutionaries are the only good ones here. They want to liberate you! Just give in… don’t fight it… if you don’t, all shall be well…
edited by Psyche Labyrinth on 1/17/2016