Whitsun 2024

Guys, are you aiming to collect something special this event? What are you looking for the most?
I recon there should be some new stuff available after recent updates.


Looking for anything with a shapeling arts bonus, since it’s the only ad I have no items for, and anything that has a bonus to dangerous+watchful or shadowy+presusive-mostly the second one since the scuttring company has me covered on the first when it comes to companions.

I myself can’t make my mind :laughing: I want them all! :cowboy_hat_face:


well the only Eggs that do that are the Fully Augmented Scarlet Ones that give you Iguanas (I know they are Persuasive+Watchful, but close enough)

At that point I’d suggest the Bellic Augment we’ll be getting this year since that weapon will be a +8 to Persuasive.

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Most likely I will pick one free fate item and move to other business (grind roof economy items).


I’m curious to see what the new Bellic options will bring in terms of gear. Not necessarily looking for stats but what if any bring ancillary uses. The Flexile Sabre was my favorite new addition from last year.


Very understandable-all options look great!

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As in, the iguanas give you a SA bonus? Also, don’t you need 6 ha’pennies to fully upgrade an egg or am I confused?

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I think so, 5 ha’pennies for device +1 for egg.
It’s my first Whitsun so not fully fully sure :slight_smile:


First-whitsun-squad? :raised_hand:


Let’s do this! Hope we emerge victorious and happy with our choices :handshake::sunglasses::love_you_gesture:


… And, it’s SHOWTIME! :partying_face: :blush: Whitsun is here!


the device is reusable and remains in your inventory from year to year so it averages out to quite a bit cheaper than that in the long run


Can’t you create and alt, collect the ha’pennies, and give them to your main? Perhaps there are some level/attribute requirements to obtain the ha’pennies or to send them to another character.

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From what I can see on managing ha’pennies, you can only send an Augmentation Device to another player.

Additional ha’pennies are Fate-locked


Note that ha’pennies don’t disappear at the end of the festival, and you always get 3 for free. If you spend none of them this year, next year you’ll have 6 and can buy the device for no Fate


kaminski, If you created an Alt, that WOULD be “another player”.

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Sorry for my misunderstanding but are we talking about sending devices or sending ha’pennies to an alt? As mentioned, former is possible provided the sender has enough pennies. The latter is, as far as I know, not possible. The ha’pennies gained by one player account remain on that account and can’t be sent to anyone else.


This explains how Stanley just got that device without spending Fate…thanks

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Kaminski, My apology. You are correct. I agree that you cannot send another player ha’pennies. What I did and did not remember clearly was that I created and alt two years ago, did not spend any ha-pennies, got more ha’pennies last year, and used these accumulated ha’pennies on my alt to send the augmentation device to my main. Sorry for my confusion.

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