Whitsun 2023 is here!

On the one hand, the lack of new eggs and therefore pokemon Red Science-based pets means I won’t be too involved this Whitsun. On the other hand, I’m pleased to say that not only have I finally collected 7 Sealed Copies of the Crimson Book but I have at last served the Apicius Club my Hellworm cheese-and provided them with yet more milk for next year.

And now I’m really curious about what actually dying from this stuff looks like.


A few other new things this year:

  • At Mrs Chapman’s boarding house in Spite, people (including Mrs Chapman) have a few things to say regarding the eggs.

  • Both the ring and the sabre (obtained from the Bellic Augmentation) have new storylets at the university and at zee, respectively.

  • The card ‘An invitation to Linger’ has some flavour text about Whitsun (I’m not sure if this is new to this year, or was available last year).

  • There is a new storylet at the Apicius Club if you can somehow manage to keep your Noman alive until Whitsun


In regards to the companions gained from trading eggs via social action, does anyone know the consequences for rejecting a sent egg? Is it like Feast of the Rose where the item is added to the sender’s inventory instead? Is the cost just refunded? Is your amber ha-penny and egg just lost to the void?

Tomorrow I will hatch my final 3x-augmented critter (the ones I didn’t get in 2021 due to a lack of time and I had no Illegal Device then). After that, it’s all about cracking open eggs to get some items.

I also sacrificed 7 Notability to get a Vial of Master’s Blood. The reason?

Now, if only that very elusive Slowcake’s Amanuensis would appear, so I can slowly climb back up the Notability social ladder…

What premium item did everyone get this time? Sartorial or Bellic? I’m still undecided.

For me the choice between Sartorial and Bellic was a no-brainer. As things stand now, presuming you only have the 3 free ha’pennies, bellic item stats break down as follows: +1 KT which is easily replaceable with an item from Hearts’s game, +1 MA which is easily replaceable with an item from FotZ, +1 Zeefaring which has not one but two relatively easy replacements, one from the Grand Digging and another from the Khanate, +1 for Mithridacy which is also easily replaced, albeit temporarily, by a week long mood available during the Railway storyline. Basically everything bellic has a Fate free alternative that an endgame player can get to pretty easily. If stats are what you’re looking for, that is. Coolness is unquantifiable and I haven’t really looked into the choices Bellic items open up in other parts of the game but I don’t expect anything vital.

Later edit: I went for the Ushanka this year for a grand total of 18 modified KT on my character. Last year I got the Moray Heels, which have made Zeefarer much easier in certain segments.

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I went for Mithridacy weapons to get 100% chance on chimeras without Mood or profession. I have all other items or alternatives though.
I also got 19 copies of Crimson book. Going to sell them for love stories for balmoral paintings.


I went with the Red Science boots, because apparently I’m collecting any and all boosts to RS, to become the ultimate reality-breaker.


When my nightmares were too high, (like 7-9), I ended up in a special place. It was pretty interesting.

You can’t die in this game, far as I know. But the worst consequence I’ve ever seen, is getting a permanent criminal record from Suspicion being too high. Damn those Urchins in the Flit, I’m innocent but they did a robbery and tripped me on their way out, the Police found me there at the scene and the rest is history.

Is anyone interested in trading sent eggs? I’m looking to round out my collection of batlings.

While happily breaking open eggs, I refreshed the page and the egg merchant has vanished. That means the end of Whitsun approaches. Perhaps I should have bought more eggs beforehand. No biggie.

Anyway it has been a fruitful Whitsun 2023 for me:

  1. Hatched the remaining 4 3x-augmented pets I didn’t get in 2021 as I didn’t yet have the Illegal Device.

  2. Bought the Vigilant Chitin-Fur Boots with 3 Ha’pennies.

  3. Did research on a few eggs and maxed out KT and Red Science.

  4. Fed De Gustibus two eggs.

  5. Exchanged a Vial of Masters’ Blood for a Crimson Book.

  6. Cracked open many eggs, received many goodies.

Now I will take my actions elsewhere, and especially to raise my Making Waves and Notability again, because of point #5 above.


I too had a very productive Whitsun, at least for a non-fate player. I used one of my alternate characters to gift to my main the illegal device and then my main got a sartorial item and a companion both of which granted Kat. Tox. which ups his modified KT to 15 which allows him to 100% the checks in his professional activities which I am using to very slowly grind toward a Hellworm. In addition, my main got about 11 other companions from the two egg types available for free.

My alt was gifted by someone else (thank you very much) with an illegal device and hatched 12 useful companions. In addition, he raised his artisan of red sciences from 2 to 5 by studying aged eggs, Then he raised his red science cap to 6 and then to 7 with the lab research projects and got his unmodified red science up to 7. Lastly, he used his just hatched Acicular squirrel and lab projects to raise K.T. from 5 to 7. It is remarkably simple using the Acicular squirrel to raise K.T. It is basically one C.P. of K.T. per action.

A very productive Whitsun holiday for both characters.

I spent about 50000 jade fragments and more appalling secrets than I cared to count on buying, invigorating and smashing aged eggs trying to get a Monstrous Orb.

All in vain. I now have enough skeletons and thigh bones to put the Paris catacombs to shame.

I regret nothing.

All that’s left now is to start gearing up for next year’s Whitsun. Luckily, even if the egg costs a Ha’penny you get the penny back when you smash the egg open so at least I don’t have to worry about spending Fate.


Bought myself a Ushanka because I wanted to boost Kataleptic Toxicology.

This Whitsun brought me 15 new Companions and a little red book, so I really consider this a well-spent belated Easter time.


I misclicked and spent all three amber lmao


I believe this may be the wrong thread :P

I have the Ushanka and the Moray Heels myself, and think they are good items to have, especially if you’re a pirate or play Hearts’ Game.

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It is worth noting that you can get a different Kataleptic toxicology hat than the Ushanka if you instead buy the Poisoner’s Library story at Jericho Locks, which also gets you a neat little story and a title, but of course the Ushanka gives you another option when brawling with Dockers. Moray Heels are great all around though.


Hey, folks - this is last year’s Whitsun thread! The current one is here.