Where is the Pirate Poet?

Probably a year after Sunless Skies at this rate.
Exclusive ships and equipment is one thing but if an entire questline is to be DLC-only, it should be at the start, not halfway through.

There was a backer only update/announcement on this subject in early November, I only read it recently, but it said kickstarter exclusives (not fallen london exclusives) will be out ‘in a few months’

Wasn’t that announcement made last November?
The thing that annoys me most about the Pirate Poet is that if you didn’t pre-order the game at a certain time, you only get half the quest.
What if at the time I wasn’t aware and/or didn’t have the money then?
Whoops, looks like I miss out then!

Just saying, there are people out there who are shouting “Shut up and take my money!” and all the response has been for the last year is “Soon!”
What’s the holdup? Isn’t just a matter of changing a few flags now since everything else is there.

I’m very bitter about this, yes.

[color=#0066ff]Nitebrite is quite right, we most recently messaged backers about this on 1 December, about 2 weeks ago. [/color]
[color=#0066ff]There are technical issues with the way we serve stories in Sunless Sea which prohibit us from selling the DLC as individual stories on Steam, so we’re discussing the best thing to do.[/color]
[color=#0066ff]I want to hear from some more people in the backer group before I make an announcement about what will happen with the Sunless Sea backer DLC and when (if you’re reading this as a backer and haven’t seen the messages, please have a look on Kickstarter and let me know your thoughts). [/color]
[color=#0066ff]Regardless of how discussions go, we will have something to say about it in January.[/color]

Thank you Hannah! While the poster who said there are quite a few of us saying &quothere, please take our money!&quot I mostly just wanted an update on where we are in the process. And now I have that, a further announcement in Jan. I mistakenly thought the coding part would just be the same or similar as to how you added new stories or the Zubmariner DLC. Apparently it is more complicated than that. At least the process is still being considered. Again, Take my money, please :)

An announcement is made! The Pirate-Poet and Cladery Heir stories are now available to all, for free.

Though we don’t know if FL players will be able to purchase the related content in future.