Where is One's Public?

Has this card’s frequency been altered? Because I haven’t seen it a single time since Hallowmas ended! A shame, since I’d like to find out how much MW I can now generate with it…

[quote=phryne]Has this card’s frequency been altered? Because I haven’t seen it a single time since Hallowmas ended! A shame, since I’d like to find out how much MW I can now generate with it…[/quote]I’ve seen it three times in the last two days so the RNG is my friend instead of yours.

I have it rather often, really. Once every two days in average (just my feeling).
It’s good MW.

The RNG hates you, I’m afraid. I think I’ve had it three times since Hallowmas, which is futile because I only made 80 Spirit of Hallowmas.:)

– Mal

I have one sitting on my hand waiting to be used after TTH does its thing. I guess that it’s just buried with the other Standard cards in your deck.

OK, RNG - this means war! :lightsab: