Where did my Metaqualities go?

I think this happened after I finished the Silver Tree for the second time.[li]

Anyways, these qualities (Gloom, Gleam etc.) were in my Account Settings. However, now they somehow disappeared.

Metaquality hunting is one of my primary motivations to play through the other wonderful worlds in Storynexus so I’m quite sad to see them go.

Same thing happened to me. I’ve gone through twice and no where does it indicate any metaqualities gained.

I’ve actually asked almost the same question in another thread. This is the answer I got:

So, if they’ve now completely disappeared from your account that’s probably just a confirmation of their general uselessness…
Edit: They’re back.
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 4/4/2015

It does still record them internally though, so they’re still there, just not displayed. They’re used for linking stuff between Sunless Sea and FL, for example.