We’ve all done it from time to time… Just now I was playing on my phone, which I should probably never do immediately after waking up, and I took the 9 fate option on the "A Merry Gentleman" card thinking it was the last option on the list. Not too terrible, I did get a new page to bookmark and a nice, shiny diamond out of it. Still stings, through!
edited by cadwynknivlove on 2/26/2019
Having slaved away getting my hedonism and austere up for coveted Scarlet Saint status, I decide to give myself a bit of breathing room on hedonism (there being essentially no way to break the cap at 10 aside from some early game actions easily locked out of, and one seasonal fate option) by becoming intimate with a head. A went to use some tonics to deal with resulting scandal but somehow ended up clicking “pehaps not” for reasons I don’t recall and being sent to the story tab rather than the possesions tab. A forced trip to the tomb colonies later, and I discovered to my horror that the return home option that halves hedonism supercedes all other options. I still have not recovered to this day, though I am glad that I got Scarlet Saint before that happened.
…I accidentally murdered a Rubbery.
[quote=Jolanda Swan]…I accidentally murdered a Rubbery.[/quote]YOU MONSTER. :O
Not even two days ago, I accidentally spent all eight of notability on the Society Card, when I intended to spend my seven favours for some more Renown.
Considered giving up, really. I’m okay now.
I know! I know! Stupid option coming up at the top if the card when you have 7 favours! Other cards simply waste the favours if you make the mistake, they don’t make you a Ruthless killer all of a sudden!
Argh, I hate misclicks.
I’ve started saving up tears of the bazaar for next years Ironoman. I accidentally traded seven of them for Masters Blood.
I accidentally sold my Secret of the Nadir to the urchins of all things because I was traveling and playing on a tablet without the Opportunity protector. Once you have all urchin favours the options reorder and I think the "sell the secret" option was at the top where the usual option I use is. I hadn’t intended to ever sell the secret, and certainly wouldn’t have sold it to the low-profit urchins if I had wanted to. Not only that but it changed my Closest To from my previous RP option to Urchins, which wasn’t of interest to me. (Though I have warmed up to them a bit since then.) I resisted the temptation to hurl my tablet into a wall but I also didn’t feel much like playing for a few days. I really hate that the card options re-order themselves under various circumstances.
edited by Shaerys on 3/2/2019
[quote=Tystefy]Not even two days ago, I accidentally spent all eight of notability on the Society Card, when I intended to spend my seven favours for some more Renown.
Considered giving up, really. I’m okay now.[/quote]
I joined your club just a moment ago. I feel at home already.
Another mobile story. I gave a Mountain-Sherd as tribute to the tigers rather than an orphan. Interesting but also very frustrating.
Accidentally clicked a trash-tier written story at 280 potential when I was going to make a classic short story. thanks mobile page jumping. really appreciate it.
Sending the Amanuensis about his business instead of letting him speak (not that it wasn’t quite satisfying…).
Grinding up to Notability 12 for Reasons, I pressed the wrong button on my phone in and, instead of getting a Mysterious Package, set my Watchful to 208. It took a long time to get back to 8 Notability but it was nothing compared to going form 8 to 12.
When I get rid of first singular plant.
While on the path for PP, I went to New Newgate after my Criminal Renown hit 40. I had already overcapped my Persuasive to 215.
Having never been to prison before, I did not know signing up for bilge cleanup lowered your Persuasive.
I spent a very, very long time completely enraged at my 214 Persuasive, and was not at all happy about having to do 5 Notability merry-go-rounds instead of 4.
Ach…my worst misclick was inspecting that blasted well. Won’t be making that mistake again.
The well is love, the well is life! Don’t let your survival instinct fool you!
Same thing happened to me. I was sure I only had five or maybe six favours, but no - I couldn’t shake appendages, and the top option had me burn all seven favours to drag a poor, probably innocent being into an alley and kill it for daring to have tentacles on its face.
It’s not that I’m an especial friend of rubbery men, but I’ve always tried to be nice to the beings. They have a hard enough live getting stoned in fits of civic high spirits.
I also once burned a trade secret for watchful when I’d been capped out on everything for a long time. My mouse wheel was acting up and it just happened to slide for no apparent reason, moving my mouse from the something else option exactly high enough to request utterly useless training. I was rather irate about that and sent an email asking if they can remove patently useless options, but was told they can’t really judge what is "useless".