I’m not sure, after researching the forums, what’s required for a Heptagoat? I’ve had an Übergoat for a while. It takes two Overgoats to "get friendly." If I send Max out to The Bazaar, I only have a 59% chance of success with 290 Watchful, although I can go higher temporarily and rarely. I’m almost able to buy H. cider. Well, after years of playing, "almost" is relative, what is the consensus of cider vs. Heptagoat? I’ve been delighted to have a sip of cider by kindly citizens I’ve met. I keep going and enjoy the Neath. Menaces aren’t really a problem and I’ve set personal goals along the way and helped others. I’m a PP but not sure what the new changes will be. I’ve died but gotten better, lost and regained my soul, been kicked out of and returned to the Palace and Uni. The Masters seem to like me, although I wonder at times about the RNG. I’m still pursuing my Ambition. I haven’t been able to find the Manager, so I’ve moved from the Royal B. back to the Spire and don’t worry about Nightmares, as I believe they’re useful at times. Ah, the view! Advice would be appreciated. Regards, Jamit.
edited by Jamit on 5/17/2020
edited by Jamit on 5/17/2020
[quote=Jamit]I’m not sure, after researching the forums, what’s required for a Heptagoat? I’ve had an Übergoat for a while. It takes two Overgoats to "get friendly." If I send Max out to The Bazaar, I only have a 59% chance of success with 290 Watchful, although I can go higher temporarily and rarely. I’m almost able to buy H. cider. Well, after years of playing, "almost" is relative, what is the consensus of cider vs. Heptagoat? I’ve been delighted to have a sip of cider by kindly citizens I’ve met. I keep going and enjoy the Neath. Menaces aren’t really a problem and I’ve set personal goals along the way and helped others. I’m a PP but not sure what the new changes will be. I’ve died but gotten better, lost and regained my soul, been kicked out of and returned to the Palace and Uni. The Masters seem to like me, although I wonder at times about the RNG. I’m still pursuing my Ambition. I haven’t been able to find the Manager, so I’ve moved from the Royal B. back to the Spire and don’t worry about Nightmares, as I believe they’re useful at times. Ah, the view! Advice would be appreciated. Regards, Jamit.
edited by Jamit on 5/17/2020
edited by Jamit on 5/17/2020[/quote]
You need, as I understand it, 7 Ubergoats. So 14 Overgoats. I should warn you a Heptagoat only gives you 3 Caprine Authority. It’s a bragging rights item.
The Cider is significantly more useful, but the Heptagoat would put you in an even more exclusive club.
(Edit,. fixed number, bad sleepy brain)
edited by Lady Karnstein on 5/18/2020
Pardon me, how have you arrived at 45? Shouldn’t it be ‘mere’ 14?
For the Heptagoat (which gives you no Watchful bonus whatsoever) You will need 7 Übergoats, which each require 2 Overgoats and cost 1 Fate.
So that would have you looking at a grind requiring (11’712.80 * 2 * 7 = )163’979.20 Echoes and 7 Fate.
With the most efficient (non-Fate locked) Grind of 3 EPA (requiring Arbor and a Watchful of 167) you are looking at roughly… Starting from 0 actions (163’979.20 E/ 3EPA)* 10 minutes/action = 546597.33(repeating) minutes ~ 546598 minutes ~ 9110 hours ~ 380 days ~ 1 year and a bit, assuming you can use every single action on said grind (which is card-based since… Arbor)
A more consistent non-Card reliant grind would be the Court of the Wakeful Eye, offering Winsome Dispossessed Orphans in exchange for tribute. Which will net about 2.22EPA depending on your starting capital (and how many orphans you offer up, I’d say get about 20 Orphans to get you started ~ 64.80 *20 = 1296 Echoes starting capital needed) and it’d take you about 738649 minutes ~ 1 year and 3 or 4 months, assuming you use every single action in that period used.
What you could alternatively do, is build out your Parabolan Basecamp or University Laboratory (if you haven’t already) or play some ES (if you have access to them).
Alternatively you can pursue that which should not be pursued and start an Alt to pursue a new Ambition if you desire so! :)
There is also, apparently, something entirely new in the works that will let you end/transform your character in style and begin afresh in some way. So far, very little is known regarding this new content, but until we know more, I for one would refrain from going full-on Seeking in case the upcoming stuff turns out to be more to your taste.
As for the Echo grinds, the Wakeful Court grind has been made basically obsolete by Tomb of the Silken Thread expeditions in the Forgotten Quarter, which give an EPA of ~2.269 when buying Strong-Backed Labour in Bazaar Side Streets (fully grindable) and over 4 EPA when getting Supplies using Docks Favours. An added benefit is that you get to stay in London and draw cards the whole time, and it is much more convenient to take a break from the grind, e.g. for events, to collect payments from your profession, for Exceptional stories etc.
On top of it, it seems to me that doing Lab research on Impossible Theorems with a fully upgraded lab (using Fate) and a top-level Profound/Visionary student is even more profitable than that.
I did some very imprecise calculations and while it is somewhat RNG-based due to very high Watchful checks, even if you failed on EVERY action, you would still achieve about 2.6 EPA; if calculated according to the success percentage (77% for me), I arrived at approx. 2.9 EPA. Even for a lab maxed without using Fate, you might reasonably arrive at ~2.4 EPA by my calculations.
So, the Lab seems to be a very profitable endeavour, once you make the initial (rather high) investments. And while you can’t access the ordinary London card deck and opportunities, you can quite easily enter and exit the Lab at any time, with little effect on the EPA if you do this reasonably sparingly.
That said, I am no mathematician, so I will be grateful if anyone points out any inconsistencies or errors I may have made in my thoughts.
edited by Aardvark on 5/17/2020
[quote=Wojciech][ [
Pardon me, how have you arrived at 45? Shouldn’t it be ‘mere’ 14?[/quote]
Yeah I was tired will fix, thanks.
edited by Lady Karnstein on 5/18/2020