What is the easiest way to grind notability?

I’ve been trying various things to grind out making waves to increase my notability when the time arises, however outside of stockpiling the best BDR gear I can and doing extensive cross-item-conversions, I have come up short in regards to an effective way to raise making waves consistently.

Does anyone have any suggestions to aid me in my efforts?

PS: For the record, I already own an orphanage and have pusued the scheme to cash in on the higher levels; however that is a general finite and unreliable source due to the RNG. What I am looking for is the most efficient way I can spend my actions and get Making Waves in return.

I’ve been running into similar problems. Ventures like an Orphanage, Salon, and Short Stories are helpful for storing qualities over multiple weeks that can be converted into MW. BDR gear is always good - if you haven’t already and you’re able, I’d suggest spending some Fate on the Theological Husbandry set, to get the wonderfully BDR’d Bifurcated Owl. Attending parties whenever you get the card is useful. If you’re looking for a repeatable grind, I like to use &quotThe Life of the Mind&quot in the Empress’ Court for all my spare actions when grinding Notability, as I have been of late. Social actions like Private Suppers and Coffee at Caligula’s are good, too - feel free to invite me to either, as I’m also grinding Notability (in my case, in pursuit of the elusive Courier’s Footprint). If you are of one of a number of professions, you can also get some Making Waves (alongside other rewards) by accepting invitations from other players’ Salons and Orphanages. As a Correspondent, I greatly enjoy getting an Urchins Favour, 15 Correspondence Plaques, and some MW out of teaching orphans.[li]
edited by DonaghyLogan on 8/16/2017

Ah, you posted your critique of the Orphanage method as I was typing, I see. It is rather unreliable and expensive, I’ll admit. For roleplay reasons, I won’t switch to the Salon, but if your interest in mechanics is great enough you might consider a change. Also, Short Stories might work out for you (I’m not sure how much MW they give, though - check the wiki).

To Make Waves, you need the Rooftop Shack and the Cottage by the Observatory plus lots and lots of Tales of Terror!!

convert Tales of Terror to Compromising Docs or Extraordinary Implications: up to 10 CP of MW
convert Extraordinary Implications to Uncanny Incunabula: 5-29 CP!
You can then use the Incunabula to manufacture Searing Enigmas at the University, and use the Engimas for up to 65 CP on the cottage card!

convert Compromising Docs to Stolen Kisses: 2 CP, and Kisses to Favours in High Places 12-20 CP!
Those Favours you can then use for up to 30 CP on the Rooftop Shack’s card.

also useful:
convert Romantic Notions to Visions of the Surface: 2 CP; Visions to either Touching Love Stories or Mysteries of the Elder Continent: up to 10 CP.

convert Incendiary Gossip to either Memories of Distant Shores or Identities Uncovered: up to 10 CP.

convert Zee-Ztories to Strangling Willow Absinthe: up to 10 CP

also, this is a handy thread.

Thank you for tips. Alas, outside of divorcing my loyal wife, paying for fate and acquiring a certain consort, I don’t believe it would be possibly to raise my BDR an further (I already own the most useful feast of the rose items, and an Ubergoat to boot!)

I do also have a small surplus of items that I can trade in on the home cards that phyrne mentioned, however those also depend heavily on the RNG.

I have also tried my hand at writing novels before, but it seems to yield less MW over-all than item cross conversion.

If you have any downtime where you’re not concerned about earning MW, you can cross convert all your 50 pence items to Visions, Incendiary Scraps, Tales of Terror, and Ztories. Then when the time comes they’re immediately available to use for MW, without having to do any of the intermediate non-MW producing steps.

Unfortunately Making waves is the only concern I have left. Although I am stockpiling some higher level items on the side for easier chunks of MW in the higher levels of notability.

Side conversions are I believe the most action efficient way of generating waves (each loop is 13 actions and gives ~20 CP on average, a max of 38 CP per loop), not least because there’s no gathering materials, no connection requirements and no time wasted dealing with menaces (ToT conversion gives nightmares). You can do an absolute max of 77 loops per week (average of 1540 CP, max 2926), which depending on your BDR will not be enough for high levels. At that point you can do as Kaijyuu suggested - use the spare time in your week (you’ll reach a point where you can’t possibly get enough MW for your next level before TTH comes) to convert a large stash of 50p items to Visions, Scraps, Tales or Ztories (I like to do visions since the next mw granting conversion is only two steps away). This allows you to generate enough MW in a burst without wasting any actions before TTH comes.

Private dinners are also a really good source of waves (not as good as they were, but still), and they’re guaranteed. My feeling is that the most efficient method is to combine side conversions (loops or if you have/can gather a large number of items in burst mode) with boosts from your orphanage (generally inviting a correspondent/crooked-cross gives the best value) and private dinners.[li]
edited by Màiread on 8/16/2017

My current strategy is the Romantic Notions -> Visions ->-> Tales of Terror -> Extraordinary Implications.

You could spend a few weeks grinding out maybe 100k notions, and then with what I’m assuming is 30BDR that should be enough to get you to Paramount Presense. With EF, at 136 actions per day, it will take about 62 days to get 100k notions, and I’m quite certain that 100k is a wide overestimate.

This is not a good option. This only provides 1 CP of MW per action.

Side-converting tier 3 items gives on average more than 1.5 CP of MW per action.

(The Conversion Helper Chrome extension makes this much easier)

Another tactic I use is to use opportunities which provide Favours: The Docks (getting their connected pet helps), and convert those to expedition supplies.

Going on expeditions and donating the reward to the university give you roughly half the value of the reward in CP of MW.

e.g. for the Thieves’ Cache expedition, this can give 1-40 CP of MW. If your Watchful is high enough, you can complete an expedition in 6 actions (including starting and collecting the reward).

So I try to get my Expedition Supplies to 100 (take times to prepare, of course), which gives me a buffer to go on 10 expeditions in a row if I have to, for a decent fast MW boost when I need it.

This is not a good option. This only provides 1 CP of MW per action.

Side-converting tier 3 items gives on average more than 1.5 CP of MW per action.

(The Conversion Helper Chrome extension makes this much easier)[/quote]

Does this &quotper action&quot MW ratio include the actions it takes to acquire the items you’re side-converting?


No, but sideconversions are 50:51 and cost nothing except actions, so after a cycle of 13 conversions you end up with the same stack of 50 items you started with plus 1 more of each.

Does this &quotper action&quot MW ratio include the actions it takes to acquire the items you’re side-converting?
No, but sideconversions are 50:51 and cost nothing except actions, so after a cycle of 13 conversions you end up with the same stack of 50 items you started with plus 1 more of each.[/quote]
Exactly. You only need to gather 50 of any tier 3 item, once.

After a few rounds, your pile of these items will grow and grow (50:51 conversion), and you’ll be able to use &quotTry Again&quot to really speed things up. Once you have a lot, you can stack them to those items which give MW in the side-conversion so that the next conversion run starts with a boost of MW (5.5 CP per action).

Crazy. I have hustled pretty hard some weeks to get the crazy number of waves needed for higher Notability scores.

I consider myself a pretty savvy player (cider and goats as rewards of meticulous effort, Courier’s Foot print, etc.) Never noticed this cycle. Going to make Paramount Pressence much less stressful.

Can someone plese help me finding what exactly is the whole cycle of side convertion ?
[li]Edit : ok forget it, any tier 3 item and then always the option which costs 50 items and nothing else, was so obvious that i missed it…
edited by Flynneldariel on 8/17/2017

If you go to the wiki for any of those items, the conversion cycle is at the top, and it marks which one of them give Making Waves (a random number of MW from 1-10 or 1-8 depending on which conversion). http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Tale_of_Terror!!

[quote=dov]Exactly. You only need to gather 50 of any tier 3 item, once.

After a few rounds, your pile of these items will grow and grow (50:51 conversion), and you’ll be able to use &quotTry Again&quot to really speed things up. Once you have a lot, you can stack them to those items which give MW in the side-conversion so that the next conversion run starts with a boost of MW (5.5 CP per action).[/quote]
I assume you mean 5.5 CP per profitable conversion, which (since they generally grant 1-10 CP) is a reasonable estimate. However, only every third conversion, give or take, is profitable. You have 13 actions in the loop, four of which are profitable (at, if we use 5.5, 22 total CP). That means that taking the entire loop grants something more like 1.69 CP/action. It works, if you’ve got limited resources and unlimited actions, but the full loop is not shockingly profitable.

If you have stock, however, you can improve the rate considerably. It only takes 9 actions to get that 22 CP if you start at Visions; the remaining four actions just get your items back to start across a conversion desert. If you’ve got enough items stockpiled that you can simply let your Absinthe stocks built up, you’ll get your Waves at 2.44 CP/action. You can then push the stockpile across the desert to Visions after you’ve achieved your Notability goal.

Visions are especially useful because creating them from Romantic Notions gives you 3 CP for that conversion, and converting 500 Notions at once gives you enough Visions for two cycles. (500 Notions to 100 Absinthe is 47 CP in 19 actions, or 2.47 CP/action.) Thus, even if you run out of fuel, up-converting still gets you some profit.

Finally, if you’re willing to shunt items off the cycle, upconverting Tales of Terror to Extraordinary Implications is even more profitable. It has a success/failure of 10/5 CP, so your average is 7.5 CP. Moreover, a rare success gains you not only a whopping 30 CP, but also two Favours in High Places. Even leaving out the rare success, that’s still 18.5 CP in 6 actions, or 3.08 CP/action.

[quote=Siankan][quote=dov]Exactly. You only need to gather 50 of any tier 3 item, once.

After a few rounds, your pile of these items will grow and grow (50:51 conversion), and you’ll be able to use &quotTry Again&quot to really speed things up. Once you have a lot, you can stack them to those items which give MW in the side-conversion so that the next conversion run starts with a boost of MW (5.5 CP per action).[/quote]
I assume you mean 5.5 CP per profitable conversion, which (since they generally grant 1-10 CP) is a reasonable estimate. However, only every third conversion, give or take, is profitable. You have 13 actions in the loop, four of which are profitable (at, if we use 5.5, 22 total CP). That means that taking the entire loop grants something more like 1.69 CP/action. It works, if you’ve got limited resources and unlimited actions, but the full loop is not shockingly profitable.[/quote]
What I’ve meant was that if you have enough items, you can stockpile them at e.g. &quotVisions of the Surface&quot. Then, when you start your run, you first conversions (until you use all your VotS) provide 5.5 CP of MW per action.

Later you spend actions moving the items in the cycle, of course, but the point is that when you have enough items you can get a boost of highly effective MW gain to reach the next Notability level, then spend idle actions the rest of the week setting up the items in the right category to be ready for when you need another boost (e.g. after TtH arrives).