What is Cantigaster Venom?

Exactly what the title says: What is cantigaster venom? What are its properties? What, for that matter, is a cantigaster? It pops up in the lore here and there, but I don’t think I recorded them all.

Anyone know?
edited by Child of Storm on 3/13/2018

You can meet the Cantigaster in person if you explore the tunnels below the Shuttered Palace.

I believe you get a good explanation if you play through the university storyline, if you want to find out for yourself.

Cantigaster Venom is one method to ensure certain death in the Neath.
It’s not exactly pleasant, as it induces seizures. You can see this first hand in the Cheesemonger storyline.

One drop, even diluted in drinks, is possible to paralyze a target, while two or more will kill the drinker, permenantly.

It’s milked from the Cantigaster, who despite the boasts of monster hunters, remains alive, for now.

Fairly certain it can also destroy the body of the victim, or at least render it less recognizable. Probably only in higher doses. Wish I could find the echo…

thanks all for the replies!

In spoiler tags if you just wanna know immediately
EDIT: removed due to inaccuracy, see post immediately below.

Cantigaster Venom is also used in the Last Constable storyline to determine the final fate of the Constable and Cheery Man. You have to perform a heist to acquire it from the Constabulary.
edited by JainaEgo on 3/30/2018

[quote=Jaina ]In spoiler tags if you just wanna know immediately


Cantigaster Venom is also used in the Last Constable storyline to determine the final fate of the Constable and Cheery Man. You have to perform a heist to acquire it from the Constabulary.[/quote]

More accurately:

The Duchess is one of the daughters of Akhenaten. She was betrothed, but was in love with a scribe. She tried to kill her betrothed with a snake, but changed her mind and sold the city to the Masters to save his life. Now he is the Cantigaster, eternally producing poison in agony but unable to die.

Ah, figures I’d get that one wrong. Thanks for the correction.