What does the "remember me" checkbox actually do?

It doesn’t seem to do anything.

It’s supposed to save your password so you don’t have to re-enter it each time you log in.

On the old site, the ‘remember me’ button set a cookie so you stayed logged in, instead of having to log back in each time you visit the page, so the change does very much give the impression of it being a broken button

@Cacame9946, have you sent in a bug report for this? Would be curious to know what they say

In my case, it does not save the password or keep me logged in.

It’s not exactly a great perk, mind you… though, some builds use it.

I doesn’t and has never, worked properly if you use login via Facebook.How do you log in?

Via Twitter. But I never check the &quotRemember Me&quot box anyway (my browser saves the password) so i can’t really opine on whether and to what extent the button works.

I log in with e-mail address and password, always checking Remember Me, and mostly when I come back it does remember me, but since the new release it occasionally forgets. I assume it does work by setting a cookie. (G_ENABLED_IDPS is the only one set…) My guess is that the failure to remember me correlates to new versions being released. According to the footer, it’s currently at version 2.16.55 while I’m pretty sure the third number (most minor) was 52 sometime last week.

[quote=Tystefy]Remember Me - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki

It’s not exactly a great perk, mind you… though, some builds use it.[/quote]
First thing that came to mind was Remember Me (video game) - Wikipedia , but you seem to have the better answer here. :-p

To follow-up, shortly after I posted the above, the game forgot me again, but then (after a full reload; it wasn’t immediately obvious) the version updated to 2.16.56. (When at first it didn’t seem to increase I of course thought my hypothesis was wrong, but I realized I was mistaken when I saw that the version had increased after all.)

On the other hand, I now see that it’s 2.16.58 and I haven’t been forgotten since. Maybe they figured out the problem.

Fallen London uses a Microsoft-based (groan) framework: ASP.NET. When you authenticate with a username and password, it responds with a “bearer token”. That’s basically the same as a username and password, except it expires and needs to be re-requested eventually. It’s the sort of thing that browsers actually store when you log into websites.

More specifically, it is a JWT, or JavaScript Object Notation Web Token. That is stored as a cookie on your browser, and sent whenever you do literally anything in Fallen London.

Checking “Remember Me” causes the server to grant you one that lasts longer before expiring (possibly indefinitely, but I don’t think so). That means that you don’t have to log in as often.

If you authenticate with Facebook (which you should never do), then Facebook manages the tokens. You log into Facebook, Facebook sends a token specifically authorized for the app you connected (in this case, Fallen London), and that gets you in. But seriously, never do anything like that. It’s extremely insecure to reuse accounts like that, and Facebook tracks everything it can in order to sell data profiles to advertisers.

Assuming you don’t need to log in on devices owned by others, just use a password manager and generate an extremely long and completely random password for each account you make. It doesn’t matter that you won’t remember &quotT6#jHU3,_ov_2p@;?j3Ex;t,Cz\B;km&quot, since your devices will.
edited by Saklad5 on 10/24/2018