What does the Consort do?

Pretty much exactly what the topic says; I’m curious. Is there any evidence of the Empress’s Consort doing anything, or having an opinion on anything, or even saying a word? Or does he just meekly follow his wife around while not dying of typhoid?
edited by myrese on 12/20/2016

I’m not sure whether Royal Consorts are required to actually do much ;)

We know that he &quotstill arranges concerts and banquets&quot and that he really enjoys the symphonies you can compose at Court. Apart from that, I think there’s only one chance to meet him, in one of the endings of the Fate-locked Face-Tailor story. It seems like &quotnot dying&quot is probably about the best you can say about his health…

[quote=phryne]I’m not sure whether Royal Consorts are required to actually do much ;)

We know that he &quotstill arranges concerts and banquets&quot and that he really enjoys the symphonies you can compose at Court. Apart from that, I think there’s only one chance to meet him, in one of the endings of the Fate-locked Face-Tailor story. It seems like &quotnot dying&quot is probably about the best you can say about his health…[/quote]
I read the echoed passage. Oh dear. I suppose it’s not as bad as being turned into a Cantigaster…I guess.

[spoiler]If the Bazaar ever offers to make a deal with me, I’m not taking it. She gave you a city, and that’s the best you could do? Really? There’s a bloody Mountain of immortality right next door![/end spoiler]

[quote=myrese][quote=phryne]I’m not sure whether Royal Consorts are required to actually do much ;)

We know that he &quotstill arranges concerts and banquets&quot and that he really enjoys the symphonies you can compose at Court. Apart from that, I think there’s only one chance to meet him, in one of the endings of the Fate-locked Face-Tailor story. It seems like &quotnot dying&quot is probably about the best you can say about his health…[/quote]
I read the echoed passage. Oh dear. I suppose it’s not as bad as being turned into a Cantigaster…I guess. [/quote]

Another poor survivor is the King with a Hundred Hearts.

[quote=phryne]I’m not sure whether Royal Consorts are required to actually do much ;)

We know that he &quotstill arranges concerts and banquets&quot and that he really enjoys the symphonies you can compose at Court. Apart from that, I think there’s only one chance to meet him, in one of the endings of the Fate-locked Face-Tailor story. It seems like &quotnot dying&quot is probably about the best you can say about his health…[/quote]
What the ____. Wow. That’s messed up.

He didn’t seem like that when you present a symphony - especially the really loud one.

[quote=Eglantine-Fox]What the ____. Wow. That’s messed up.

He didn’t seem like that when you present a symphony - especially the really loud one.[/quote]Two possibilities I can think of:

  1. You only see him from very far away and mistake his happy death-mask for his real face.
  2. We know of another person living in the Palace who uses an unnatural amount of make-up to disguise her real looks…***

Also, loud music can do wonders for some people ;)

*** Off-topic, but going through that each day for centuries has to suck big time! No wonder she’s often so bad-tempered…
edited by phryne on 12/20/2016

To consign a city to eternal darkness for the sake of a person you loves…

I can’t say I wouldn’t take it. Love is insidious like that.

[quote=Aoditor]To consign a city to eternal darkness for the sake of a person you loves…

I can’t say I wouldn’t take it. Love is insidious like that.[/quote]

Love may be important, but so are all the people who are starving and dying down here even more than on the surface because this place is bl__dy horrible for someone who isn’t rich or powerful enough to enjoy the freedom of law it gives.

All those starving, poor, dying people wasn’t the ones given the choices, were they?

The morality of such an act is never in dispute - no single life, however dear, can ever be worth an entire people’s, whatever matrices you uses to weigh them with. The temptations, however…

I’d opposes any Sixth Falling, yes, but I can sympathizes with them. Emphatizes as well, a little.

A third I can think of…

This is the purpose of the tea. It’s important that the tea isn’t late.