What do you want to see in future ES's?

This started from a discussion in one of the IRC chats about historical small time gangs and the fact that we haven’t really meet any in London - leading to the expressed desire to see an ES about small time gangs you could meet at Watchmakers or the Docks. Which lead to an even bigger question - what do other people want to see in future ES’s?

I’ve been longing for an ES about the craftsmen of the Neath for a long time. I want to see the mad hatters who keep making Exceptional Hats! The people who spin Parabola-Linen Frocks from Dream-Flax! Whomever gave birth to Polythreme’s glove business! What’s the deal with the types of Ravenglass knives! The limits of Ratwork! Spite’s exclusive rag markets! etc etc
edited by Vavakx Nonexus on 5/4/2018

Maybe one focusing on the Khaghanian/Asian community in FL? With some delicious lore about the Gracious Widow on top, maybe :)

I think Great Game/Greater Game ES’s are interesting. Perhaps we could find out more about more about the Old Man of Vienna.

A rubbery man ES!

Anything to do with Rubberies and Devils. I love them both so very much.

I’d love some ES that visit various interesting locations in SS - Irem, the Grand Geode/Dawn Machine, The Nativity, The Principles of Coral, and the Empire of Hands, especially. Kingeater’s Castle would be awesome if they came up with a plot that made sense for a place so utterly devoid of existence. Of course, I’d appreciate if they did what they did for Flint and give you an expedited trip the first time (repeatability not necessary for all but it’d be cool).

It’d be neat to have an ES focused on the Starved Men (I’m assuming there isn’t one - I haven’t gotten through about 50% of them but none seemed to address them much).

In general, as much as I enjoy London itself, the exotica is what fascinates me more - the folks a tad more ‘monstruous’ than your average person, the places filled with strange beings, and where time, space, and reason (Irem, Kingeater’s Castle, the Dawn Machine) are distorted or broken.

A story following the activities of one of the lesser known Masters like Mr. Spices or Mr. Hearts. I’ve always been curious about the Masters and wanted to learn more about them, so that would be nice.

I love expeditions and explorations, whether into the depths or across the zee, so anything that goes to new places. I loved Lamentation Lock – it reminded me of my surface venture in SS. I agree with Jaina upthread – so many islands to explore.

Take us to the Chelonate. Sunless Sea always talked them up as the third naval power that both London and the Khaganate worried about, but I felt like we never got to really see much of them.

I have to agree about more far-flung travels. Flint was one of my favourites and I’d like more in that style. Maybe a piratical adventure in the Corsair’s Forest, including a trip to Gaider’s Mourn. Or perhaps something about that place where there’s a hole in the roof and the sun shines in.

I do like London-based stories, but I really look forward to our little trips over the Zee.

All the time a most intriguing affairs of Fallen London for me were criminal underworld, Hell and perils and mysteries of Forgotten Quarter (I still get level in Nightmares when recall a snippet mentioning Mt. Nomad was seen lurking there). Urchins too!
edited by curtistruffle on 5/5/2018

I’d love to learn more about Gallblighter wasps.[li]

I’d really love a Season of Islands in our future.

Mirroring some of the above comments, there are so many wonderful, eerie, and arcane destinations across the Unterzee that could be fleshed out. In particular, I’d love to have further adventures in Aestival, The Mangrove College, and The Empire of Hands. Oh yes…and Kingeater’s Castle.

[quote=Jason5237]I’d really love a Season of Islands in our future.

Mirroring some of the above comments, there are so many wonderful, eerie, and arcane destinations across the Unterzee that could be fleshed out. In particular, I’d love to have further adventures in Aestival, The Mangrove College, and The Empire of Hands. Oh yes…and Kingeater’s Castle.[/quote]
Kingeater’s Castle has literal nothing, and it is the best

That’d be pretty sweet. Maybe a season of vermin or something like that. At least one ES on Rattus Faber, one on Wasps, and one on Blemmigans (they’re basically vermin, right?)

D–n I forgot something particularly interesting. Special Constables! Disturbing amalgama of notorious soviet “Cheka” and SCP Foundation, dealing with occult crimes, it was always a breathtaking interest for me.

Expedition down the well.

It’s the underwater zone.

– or / and –

We take care of one of the Master’s summer home. Which Master? Indeterminable. It’s almost like… they’re all roommates with one another…

edited by Tystefy on 5/7/2018


A glimpse of a possible prelude to Sunless Skies.

Recent Khan activities pressure London into conquering more resources / land.

Some rando named Captain Columbus has an unorthodox solution: set voyage beyond the Avid Horizon in search of new lands to conquer / possibly pillage. So far, he hasn’t had much luck.

Help him prep for his voyage via laborious or political means!

Get him a crew!

Possibly get some covert-op Revolutionaries as part of his crew!


Drudgewick. Why DO they leave all those sharp stones on the village green?

More about the Dilmun Club. Yes, we know that line of content will eventually be resumed in the regular game, but glimpses of what they have done in the (background) past would be great.

A story set on Mutton Island. How did their well-worship come to be?

Hunter’s Keep. How did the sisters end up there?

IM NOT AN EXCEPTIONAL FRIEND BUT I WOULD PAY LOTS OF MONEY FOR PIRATE-POET CONTENT. Maybe something similar or the Fallen London version of SSeas’ Pirate-Poet and Merciless Modiste storyline.
Like I said, lots of money.