What Can I Do with Remaining Pails of Snow?

I have taste of lacre of 9 (all gained in last month) but have two remaining pails of snow. I cannot see how to use these remaining pails. My profession is &quotMurderer&quot and I do not have a Dreadful Surmise so feeding the snow to the boar is not possible. Can anyone point me to any use for these two remaining pails of snow? Thanks.

Spend your lacre, the opportunity to do so will open up tomorrow, you can use the pails afterwards

It should open January 6, and you must have finished all 12 days of Mr Sacks. But yeah, spend it then get more. One of the cards in the Nadir can also trade 7 ToL for a Vial of Tears of the Bazaar, if you’ve run out of things to buy in the Wicket

Doh… You folks are so smart :) So I can upgrade my 4-card lodging to 5-cards which I think uses 7 ToL for the Royal Bethlehem. This leaves me with 2 ToL. I can then exit the Wicket, convert two more pails to ToL, and decide if I want to reenter or save them for next year.

For no reason other than ignorance on my part I thought that once I went into the Wicket I could no longer convert pails.

As always, you folks are great. Thanks.

Aha! This is useful to my alt who had the same dilemma. No option for lodging upgrades yet, she’s a bit short of fancy real estate. But maybe something else will be worth spending ToL.

There are a few non-lodgings options, historically. At the very least, it can be useful to hang onto 8 in order to get a Tears of the Bazaar in the Nadir.

I like to maintain 1 Taste all year long in case I need to raise Melancholy through Tears or receive a special storylet somewhere (they do pop up now and then).

I forgot it opens on the 6th, that makes me feel lazy I have 6 ToL and I was thinking of waiting for the wicket to open so I can spend one point, look through my monocles, then get a tear, but now the boar option is tempting…

I’m actually not 100% sure whether it opens on the 5th or the 6th. We’ll find out in a few hours. Those of us who plan on being awake at that time, anyway. I will find out in the morning, some 8 hours from now. Probably get a Noman right away, hang out with him for however long he lasts before he melts. I hear it’s the best writing in the game

It’s open

I have 5 tastes of Lacre left but I don’t feel like getting the Noman. More clogging up of my deck. And decimating my quirks. And not interested in babysitting it till it survives to the Feast of the Rose months later.

Is there any benefit to getting the Noman? Titles?

Elemental Secret? They appear at the Rat Market often, and you can get them in Parabola.

[quote=fishandchips]I have 5 tastes of Lacre left but I don’t feel like getting the Noman. More clogging up of my deck. And decimating my quirks. And not interested in babysitting it till it survives to the Feast of the Rose months later.

Is there any benefit to getting the Noman? Titles?

Elemental Secret? They appear at the Rat Market often, and you can get them in Parabola.[/quote]

Ages ago, the noman used to be the only non-fate locked way of getting an elemetan secret, as you’ve noted that’s not as unique nowadays, but people still praise the noman’s story quite a lot

I certainly hope it’s worth it. My Quirks list has six 15s, and only two of them will rise back to 15 without me making an expensive effort. Not worth the Elemental Secret, but what is the point of echoes, or indeed quirks, if we skip out on stories?

I got really lucky. I have five quirks at 15, and all five of them had enough spare Change Points to stay at 15 after making the Noman.

Now me and the little buddy are off the honey-dens!

When do our remaining pails of snow melt? Is it the first Time the Healer after the wicket closes on Jan 29?

It’s on the date they say the pails will melt. Thus, including the date in the notice.