Weekly Questions, Beginning 28/08/2017

What is the taste? What is the number? How do you make cheese out of spiders, anyway? So many questions, and this is the thread for them!

This link contains a good summary of how to make cheese using spiders. Well, cheese mites, but they do have eight legs. Milbenkäse - Wikipedia


I thought the number was forty-something…

Forty-something spider-like mites in the cheese; forty-something spider-like mites… grab a mite, take a big bite; forty-something-minus-one spider like mites in the cheese!

[quote=Lady Sapho Byron]Sesame Street: Number 7! (Number of the Day Song) - YouTube here I was expecting this.

You know this is going to get you removed from the House, right?[/li]

I’m going to be making a run at 14 notability–with BDR, I need 45 Making Waves. I already have big stockpiles of Visions of the Surface and Gossip. I’ve bought a ton of honey and converted it to notions, and like I did last week, I’m going to spend a couple days in Polythreme grabbing more. My question is this: is it more effective to just convert the notions to visions 500 at a time and get to the carousel quicker, or will I actually get more making waves converting a big pile of romantic notions 50 at a time? Thanks for any advice you can give–

You get 2CP from converting them 50 at a time, which is a bit better than the carousel average - but less than if you were only using the &quotlucrative&quot parts of the carousel. So if you have enough Visions and Gossip (plus Visions that you will get from Notions) - then the 500 will get you there faster. But if you’ll have to get into the &quotslow&quot parts of the carousel then… er… it depends on how much? You also get bonuses on success of up-conversion, and I think there’s something good on rare success, too, if you care for the profit.

Thanks so much, I’ll take your advice and just go with the 500. I got to 13 notability by leaving most of my stuff at the wine and going forward with 15 actions worth through the slow part and on to gossip. But I’ve got a bigger stockpile for my run at 14, so I think I can get 90% of it done again before the slow section. Thanks!

I am looking for my Next Big Goal and cannot decide between Salon and Orphanage. What are the pros and cons of each of them?

Stat-wise, the Orphanage gives one more point of BDR (though not more than God’s Editors Affiliation). It also gives a small Watchful bonus, compared to the Salon’s Persuasive.

Beyond that, they are used to build up Scheme to later get huge boosts of MW. In the Orphanage you raise Scheme by spending a lot of money (and optionally Favors: Urchins). In the Salon you use Favours with either Society or the Bohemians.

Another difference of note: the Orphanage let’s you get (for Fate) the Laconic Prodigy, who’s a pretty awesome companion (+10 to all stats except Persuasive). You keep her around even if you later get rid of your Orphanage.

edited by dov on 8/30/2017

Is it useful for reaching last levels of Notability? My BDR is only 26 and its a huge pain.

Definitely, with patience and resources.

Once you build your Scheme enough, you can use various options (depending on the Airs) to get significant MW boosts in one action.

For example, inviting the Duchess to your Salon can give you more than 800 CP of MW.

The overkill option is to invite the Princess, which does cost 1 Fate, but gives you enough MW for any level of Notability, all almost any BDR (best estimate is that she gives several thousand CP of MW).

Can a Google-linked account be used on the mobile app? I would very much like to purchase some Fate with the Play Store gift card but there seems to be no option to sign in with Google. Am I missing something or…?

Is it useful for reaching last levels of Notability? My BDR is only 26 and its a huge pain.[/quote]

It’s worth noting that the Salon is probably better for later MW levels - the most expensive non-fate salon option gives either 650 or 850 CP MW, whereas the various orphanage options give 200 CP at most. The most cost effective method (scheme for MW) is inviting a correspondent or crooked cross to perform, so if you’re going to stick to that it doesn’t matter whether you chose the orphanage or salon since the options are equivalent. The orphanage does have the option to buy the laconic prodigy for fate, too.

I believe purely in terms of min-maxing, the optimal strategy is to get the Orphanage, grind up to Laconic Prodigy, purchase that, then if the purchase doesn’t wipe scheme (I haven’t done it myself) cash it in as much as possible, then switch to the Salon. This maximises Bizzare (the hardest BDR stat to raise IIRC), BDR (using God’s Editors - which is pretty easy to acquire), and Persuasive, while allowing you to obtain a fantastic companion and also providing you with some non-optimal, but very high payout MW options.

I am not interested in Laconic Prodigy because she is only 1 Dangerous point better than non-fate alternative and even not best in slot for other stats.
I wish they open Knife-and-Candle again. There is real dangerous boosters.
edited by Waterpls on 8/30/2017

I have purchased Fate with a gift card by using the mobile app before. I’ve used both iOS and Android apps, too, on different occasions. I logged in to the app with my usual FL account though, and had no problem using the gift card from there… I was under the impression that it’s device-specific, not account specific - but I’m no expert.

I can’t seem to recall where the First and Third cities come from (not even which countries/continents). Could someone please jog my memory in a spoiler?