Weekly Questions, Beginning 2/3/2016

Is the thing where characters are called Adjective Noun something that people actually do in-universe? Or is it just for the reader’s convenience?

Originally the intent was that there would be multiple (for instance) Struggling Artists or Honey-sipping Heiresses in London, and the ambiguity was so you could seduce/cheat/whatever a number appropriate to your definition of your character. Nowadays it’s evolved into a tradition of the setting. The practice of referring to the characters by their titles, however, is generally not diegetic.

[quote=Zeroebbasta]I have two quick questions, dear friends!

  • Best way to obtain Sapphires? I only know about the carnival, but it seems awfully difficult to get them from there.

  • Any tip for easily completing the &quotA Procurer of Savage Beasts&quot storyline? It’s sooo grindy. My Dangerous quality is 73 +26. I often fail checks, and when I succeed, the stat increase is minimal…[/quote]

Turning in 20 Pickpockets Trophies at the end of Pickpockets Promenade (found in the Alleys of Spite) will net you enough Sapphires and Venom-rubies for your cane.

I found it easier to build up A Hunt Is On! via the Bronze Jack-of-Smiles story in Watchmaker Hill. It’s quite a bit easier and less punishing than most of the options in Wolfstack Docks.

You can, but you must have 150 pages or less for each type of notes. This branch of the &quotOrganise your research&quot storylet will then appear:

It removes up to 50 of each type of notes (although it doesn’t require 50 – if you only have 10 of a particular type, you’ll just lose 10) and then resets you back to the preparatory research stage. I suspect this is worth it if you can dump all your research types as close to 0 as possible, because &quotconsult your existing work,&quot turning a single volume of Collated Research into 40 pages of each type, is the cheapest source of research pages as far as I’m aware.

I find myself in a quandary. What is the protocol for unanswered social actions? My letterbox contains quite a few (which I am positive says nothing about me personally, I assure you). Delete after a decent interval? What is a decent interval? And I presume it means lost turns?
Thank you!
Meradine Heidenreich

[quote=Meradine Heidenreich]I find myself in a quandary. What is the protocol for unanswered social actions? My letterbox contains quite a few (which I am positive says nothing about me personally, I assure you). Delete after a decent interval? What is a decent interval? And I presume it means lost turns?
Thank you!
Meradine Heidenreich[/quote]
As leaving them there indefinitely causes no harm to you and may provide a pleasant surprise to a character coming back from a hiatus, I generally recommend not deleting unanswered social actions. That said, if this is happening with enough regularity to bother you, perhaps consider cleaning out your contacts? Removing players who are inactive or rarely participate in FL’s social aspects can generally minimize this problem.

As for lost turns, deleting an action doesn’t use any additional turns but you will not get back the ones you spent sending the invitation.

Yrs, etc.
Anna Libertas

Thank you.

Is there a way to read the note accompanying a social action after I’ve accepted it?

I don’t believe anyone has yet - I certainly haven’t.

If you have email notifications enabled for social invitations, the note may be recorded there!