Weekly Questions, Beginning 2/3/2016

Here’s this week’s thread for short questions and useful answers! I’ll start us off with an example question: &quotwhat is something you want to know about Fallen London’s story and/or mechanics?&quot (I’m helping!)

I have two quick questions, dear friends!

  • Best way to obtain Sapphires? I only know about the carnival, but it seems awfully difficult to get them from there.

  • Any tip for easily completing the “A Procurer of Savage Beasts” storyline? It’s sooo grindy. My Dangerous quality is 73 +26. I often fail checks, and when I succeed, the stat increase is minimal…

I like the Pickpocket’s Promenade within the Alleys of Spite as a Pre-POSI source of Sapphires; getting 20 Trophies reliably isn’t too difficult, and you’ll get 6 Sapphires plus a number of other jewels.

[quote=Zeroebbasta]I have two quick questions, dear friends!

  • Best way to obtain Sapphires? I only know about the carnival, but it seems awfully difficult to get them from there.

  • Any tip for easily completing the &quotA Procurer of Savage Beasts&quot storyline? It’s sooo grindy. My Dangerous quality is 73 +26. I often fail checks, and when I succeed, the stat increase is minimal…[/quote]

What do you need sapphires for? If you can wait it becomes much easier to get them in the bazaar side streets. But if you need them now, having someone else send them to you is probably the fastest.

And I went throught the procurer storyline with 170 dangerous and it was a pain. But stalk your prey, go for the throat, and prepare the grounds do a bit more than the other options. But go for the throat does lower the quality on a failure.
edited by suinicide on 3/3/2016

When you’re failing half the time, of course it’s going to be a pain. If you must grind, grind up some second chances, then trade them for 26 (on average) stat points- or find a patron, but tolerable ones are in short supply, and ones who’ll remember to send you 5 invites a week in shorter supply.

The options on some of the cards, like tomb-colonists and dockers, trade a tiny number of Connection points, for ~10 CP in a relevant stat. in the ones named here, dangerous. be careful, though, some of the unlisted options take absurd numbers of CP for the payout, like society and great game.

Consider swapping to a more level appropriate grind, if you don’t enjoy being half-dead all the time. Consider buying better gear, if you don’t want to give up on the grind, or if you’re in a hurry to get through the fate-locked section. Consider asking in the young turk’s club for people to send you gifts of admiration- 2 second chances for each stat, and at no action cost to you- though perhaps a debt of honor to be repaid.

Do not spend second chances on the actions. that’s just a waste at most levels, especially given how much higher your stats could stand to be.

Have you dueled everyone in the black ribbon except, perhaps, captain vendrick? have you done all the little side-stories along your dangerous way? your stats sound worryingly low for this area.
edited by Grenem on 3/3/2016

[quote]What do you need sapphires for?[/quote]The Bejeweled Cane! Already once this rare card escaped my grasp, but now I have everything except the Sapphires and I really want to walk around with a shiny stick.

[quote=Sara Hysaro]I like the Pickpocket’s Promenade within the Alleys of Spite as a Pre-POSI source of Sapphires; getting 20 Trophies reliably isn’t too difficult, and you’ll get 6 Sapphires plus a number of other jewels.[/quote]Many thanks!

[quote=grenem]Have you dueled everyone in the black ribbon except, perhaps, captain vendrick? have you done all the little side-stories along your dangerous way? your stats sound worryingly low for this area.[/quote]I only did the Jack-of Smile side stories at Watchmaker’s Hill. Honestly, the Dangerous storylines don’t interest me much - I mainly deal in trickery, sweet words and mischief.
I’m trying to brute-force this part of the story just to unlock content at the Tiger’s Labirinth. You see, I’m searching for an Enigma that might not even exist, and they told me that’s a good place to start. whistles softly

Anyway, many thanks for the useful tips! I think I’ll search more sparring partners, grind second chances, and rush my way through.
edited by Zeroebbasta on 3/3/2016

In among all the pretties, preciouses and delicious treasures, Jermion has discovered &quotA Bloodied Handkerchief&quot. Can any of those present throw a light on the purpose of this grossest of items?
edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 3/3/2016

That was the item from the Waltz that moved the World. If you also have the items from Flint and the Art of Murder you gain access to another storylet.

My question is regarding getting stats to 200:

What are the best ways to get Persuasive, Watchful and Dangerous to 200? I’ve been trading confident smiles to help with persuasive. Are Corpsecage Island, Mutton Island etc good places to grind to 200?

Thanks for the help!!

Define best: the fastest one, the fastest one without social actions, moderately fast and profitable?

The fastest one would be by using second chances gained from social actions.

Fastest with no social actions would be:
Shadowy - selling casing in the Flit;
Watchful - probably poking around Forgotten quarter (I actually raised watchful a lot by talking to Lilac, but this option isn’t available till next year), it’s somewhat profitable but also means you’re gonna take several trips to Royal Beth or Mirror-Marches;
Persuasive - probably setting camp at Port Carnelian for a while, just don’t forget to keep doing your job well enough not to get yourself kicked out from governor’s seat, once you get persuasive high enough it also becomes rather profitable, though boring;
Dangerous - can’t think of anything really, probably your usual 90% grinding routine.

Reasonably fast and profitable - same as with dangerous in previous section, choose a storylet that you can safely repeat with 90%(or a bit less) success rate, manupilating your stat level with gear when necessary. The candidates for such storylet are The Affair of the Box carousel for shadowy, Velocipede Squad for dangerous and Fighting the War of Assasins for any stat.

Of course, all these methods should be modified depending on your stats and gear, except for social actions obviously: for fastest you should aim for largest stat gains with no regard to profit and as few menace gains as possible, for profitable - steady 1.9cp\action increase while limiting failures(i.e. menace gains) to 10% of all checks on most profitable stat-related storylet you have access to.

[quote=Talkes]Define best: the fastest one, the fastest one without social actions, moderately fast and profitable?

The fastest one would be by using second chances gained from social actions.

Fastest with no social actions would be:
Shadowy - selling casing in the Flit;
Watchful - probably poking around Forgotten quarter (I actually raised watchful a lot by talking to Lilac, but this option isn’t available till next year), it’s somewhat profitable but also means you’re gonna take several trips to Royal Beth or Mirror-Marches;
Persuasive - probably setting camp at Port Carnelian for a while, just don’t forget to keep doing your job well enough not to get yourself kicked out from governor’s seat, once you get persuasive high enough it also becomes rather profitable, though boring;
Dangerous - can’t think of anything really, probably your usual 90% grinding routine.

Reasonably fast and profitable - same as with dangerous in previous section, choose a storylet that you can safely repeat with 90%(or a bit less) success rate, manupilating your stat level with gear when necessary. The candidates for such storylet are The Affair of the Box carousel for shadowy, Velocipede Squad for dangerous and Fighting the War of Assasins for any stat.

Of course, all these methods should be modified depending on your stats and gear, except for social actions obviously: for fastest you should aim for largest stat gains with no regard to profit and as few menace gains as possible, for profitable - steady 1.9cp\action increase while limiting failures(i.e. menace gains) to 10% of all checks on most profitable stat-related storylet you have access to.[/quote]
In addition to all of the above, the following cards, if you don’t have a superior option, offer 10 points of stat for maybe 10 points of connection, if you’re above 71 in stat. This beats any 2 second chances per action grind, though only by about 2.5 cps. :

Shadowy: urchins, (criminal favors offers 1.5 levels, roughly, for 5 favors),
Dangerous: Revolutionaries, docks, tomb colonists, (Basalt gymnasium, for 1 point wounds)
Perusasive: (Society, and the church is a trap, do not take for any reason save waves!), bohemian.
Watchful: Hell (boosts nightmares), the constables, (Do not take great game, it costs 100 cp for little reward)

If you are raising all stats, these cards are must haves, as they help, in total, more than grinding any stat alone, roughly 11 points:
Church vs. great-game conflict card, favor church. Returns 1 of every kind of second chance.
Give a gift: With hedonist 8, if you’re not sending gifts instead, you can get 1 of every kind of second chance.

I have a question about professions:

I recently decided to look into switching to the Enforcer profession, but then found out that I was blocked from this path because I had completed the The Cheery Man and the Last Constable, and sided with the Constable. Is there some way to get around this, with either actions or fate? Or am I blocked from this profession permanently?

You can also become an Enforcer via the Revolutionaries. You’ll need to be Plotting Against the Masters.

My alt recently became a PoSI and now her deck is cluttered by Jewel Thief and Artist’s Model wishing to rekindle relationship. She doesn’t want to, but the option to get rid of the guys for good is too cruel for her to use… So is there a way to let them down gently, maybe farther down the storyline?

You can remove the Thief and Model from your deck by agreeing to start courtship for both – they will then turn into permanent storylets in the Bazaar Side-streets instead of cluttering your deck.

Thank you! :)

I wonder if one or other of the worthies present could assist Jermion in a quandary?

He is interested in the idea of connected pets, He has a fair few pets and companions, including the legendary Haunted-Looking Dog, (the existence of which was doubted in years past on this forum). But he still has the item &quotA Clandestine Rendezvous on Watchmaker’s Hill&quot among his belongings and is unable to work out how a pet is named as a connected pet, or becomes or starts out as one, and in which circumstances the above item is to be used.

Any and all assistance much appreciated.

A connected pet is one you get through your connection to one of the Factions.

If you have that in your message tab you just need to visit Watchmaker’s Hill and choose a pet. If you only have it in your inventory you already have a connected pet.

If you get rid of that pet, on its card, having the Clandestine Rendezvous means that you just need to visit Watchmaker’s Hill to choose a new pet.
edited by reveurciel on 3/4/2016

Thank you.

Can you prepare for an expedition at your lodgings to make notes after you have successfully been on an expedition?