Weekly Questions, Beginning 10/07/2017

Probably, yes.

Just curious, but what’s your Water dream level? :)

I now have two mood cards.

I don’t have that much Someone Is Coming, nor am I grinding SOTC at present. What shall I do with them?

Discard them.

That’s what I do, at least. Moods really have very few uses for endgame players. There’s the very high levels of SotC and Renown for stat unlocks (though for Renown you’d basically need one Mood per conversion). There’s the scaling SiC conversion for profit. Aside from that, there’s only a couple card options with scaling rewards, and Favours are making some of those options obsolete. There’s also only two cards I know of where stat-capped players can’t have guaranteed success*, but neither are worth using a Mood for a single attempt.

*The Overgoat card and the K&C lodgings card, the latter of which few people will even have access to.

I draw 5-6 mood cards a month these days. They’re not that rare anymore.

Depending on your Watchful, a mood might make FQ expeditions more efficient (if it can guarantee success in the buccaneering approach), and thus more profitable.

That’s how random distributions work.

For every player who encounters mood cards every few weeks, there’s a player who doesn’t encounter one for months, if not years

Personally, I’ve once gone through a year and a half of no mood cards (with very active play, flipping cards all day long). Then I drew two of them in less than two weeks.

That was probably back when they were disabled for roughly a year and a half. Though you’re correct that random distributions tend to be streaky.

I have drawn two mood cards in my entire time in the game (and I’ve been playing since Feb 1894 - so what’s that, roughly 18 months?). :)

Five or six a month might be nice. That’s not my experience of them, though.

Edited for stupid spelling mistakes.
edited by Plynkes on 7/16/2017

I think I’ve probably drawn 4 in the last fortnight or so. Bit annoying actually as I don’t want to waste them, but can’t find anything particularly challenging to do at present.

It was not. It was before that period.

[quote=Optimatum]There’s also only two cards I know of where stat-capped players can’t have guaranteed success*, but neither are worth using a Mood for a single attempt.

*The Overgoat card and the K&C lodgings card, the latter of which few people will even have access to.[/quote]
While it’s not worth using a mood card for the Overgoat card, I still try to do it when I can. Preferably with a full deck and almost full candle, so that in case I draw another Overgoat in the next 11 cards, I get to take advantage of the mood a second time. Mostly for ‘fun’ though. I guess the effect is so small that it isn’t even worth it for two uses.

[quote=Teaspoon]I now have two mood cards.

I don’t have that much Someone Is Coming, nor am I grinding SOTC at present. What shall I do with them?[/quote]

You can use them for increasing renown. Get 7 favors in some faction where you’ve maxed out your renown with your current quality levels, and the mood then lets you get it just a little higher.

Not too exciting, but it’s one of the few things where getting super-high stats gets you at least something.

[quote=Optimatum]Discard them.

That’s what I do, at least. Moods really have very few uses for endgame players. There’s the very high levels of SotC and Renown for stat unlocks (though for Renown you’d basically need one Mood per conversion). There’s the scaling SiC conversion for profit. Aside from that, there’s only a couple card options with scaling rewards, and Favours are making some of those options obsolete. There’s also only two cards I know of where stat-capped players can’t have guaranteed success*, but neither are worth using a Mood for a single attempt.

*The Overgoat card and the K&C lodgings card, the latter of which few people will even have access to.[/quote]

They are also useful if you really want an Impossible Theorem. I had no success despite maxed-out stat status (and lots of equipment) until I tried to go for one with a Watchful Mood equipped.

I notice there’s an option on mutton island that unlocks without any SMEN (the eyes of children). Is there an option that replaces it when you do have SMEN?

Yes. It gives you +3 CP of Nightmares.

Looking to gain Favours Criminals and can’t find the action at the Carinval (have looked everywhere - it’s supposed to be in sideshows but I don’t even see the option?) and 3rd Coil of the Labryinth but am not seeing it. Any other reliable ways to raise it? I need 5

The Carnival stops handing out Favours once you hit Renown 5. After that you pretty much have to rely on the unreliable cards.

At Mrs. Plenty’s Carnival, there’s an option to gain Favours and Renown: Criminals, under “The Sideshows”, named “Meet Some Criminals”. If it’s unavailable to you, it may be that your Renown: Criminals is too high, it only works until you have 5 Renown. If you don’t see “The sideshows” storylet at all, it may be because you don’t have any carnival tickets; you need tickets to see all the other things to do at the carnival. You can buy (or steal) tickets under the “Buy Tickets to the Carnival” storylet.

In the third coil of the labyrinth, there’s one option that gives you a Criminal favour, freeing the cat-chaser; it is unlocked with “The Hunt is On” once you have 8, from playing other things there. However, as with most of the things in the third coil, it becomes locked once you progress to the fourth coil. Check your “Making Progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers” quality - if it’s 13, you can’t go back to this option. (Or without checking the quality, see if you can make

Other than that, the ways of getting criminals favours are from opportunity cards. There’s an option on “The Alleys of London: The Criminals” which gets you a favour. Depending on what items you have, they also have associated cards which could give a criminals favour: the ruthless henchman, the alluring accomplice, the gang of hoodlums, maybe others.

Does merely having SMEN have any negative consequences if one doesn’t actually participate in any harmful activities? I’ve only encountered one undiscardable card this far.