Weekly Questions, Beginning 10/07/2017

Pretty sure it’s the Connected/Renown items in general: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Connection_Items

Hrm, so the Diary of the Dead and Rookery Password tie with the skull for best. Righto.

Another thought that came to mind: Nadir upgradeable items. This requires some effort over time, so probably not useful to anyone, but one can buy things like the Parabola Linen outfits, upgrade them in the nadir, and sell them for their original purchase price. The Nadir action comes with opportunity cost that I’d estimate to be ~4-6 echoes, but that’s waaay better than faction items.

What’s the most profitable way to recover Persuasive post-Nadir? I use Heists and War of Assassins in Wilmot’s End for Shadowy and Dangerous and Expeditions for Watchful. But not sure about persuasive War of Assassins in Flit works but it’s less efficient than in Wilmot’s End.

My best guess would be Flash Lay’s but everyone’s frustrations with the mechanic make it hard to establish how efficient it is or if it’s more efficient than War of Assassins in Flit…

You can search out a missing woman in Wilmot’s End.

[quote=genesis]But not sure about persuasive War of Assassins in Flit works but it’s less efficient than in Wilmot’s End.[/quote]I don’t see the problem there. Simply use the Shadowy/Dangerous options in the Forgotten Quarter until you can switch to the Watchful/Persuasive options in the Flit, and then finish off with the Watchful/Dangerous option in the Flit, all according to which stat is lagging behind. If you’re getting as many Confident Smiles as I do, you should also be able to spend five or even ten to raise Persuasive through An easy confidence. It’s not profitable in itself, but neither is more Collections of Curiosities than you could reasonably trade with the Tomb-Colonists.

I’ve never done a Flash Lay, because I’ve read that they were quite unprofitable. But looking at An Avid Auditor, which seems to reward 37.5 Echoes, and remembering how a Flash Lay can take 20 Actions or more, it seems fairly balanced to other profitable grinds. Though I guess that doesn’t account for menace reduction afterwards. I should probably look into that when my Scandal and Suspicion have gone down. Just Counting the Days.

Using your five weekly Free Evenings for Private Dinners and spending the resulting 10 Confident Smiles on &quotan easy confidence&quot is probably your best bet. You get +7 cp from each dinner and up to +50 from the easy confidence, which can easily offset even a full 100-cp loss from 10 Irrigo with only 7 actions. The +9-14 cp of Making Waves from each dinner is the icing on the cake.
edited by Anchovies on 7/12/2017

I have never understood.

How exactly does anybody know whether the Liberation of Night is a survivable experience? It won’t be much point liberating everyone if they’re all dead.

No one will die. Death will have no dominion. No one and nothing will have dominion; that’s the whole point.

One set of destinies you can get is all about the arrival of the Liberation of Night. At least according to the destiny it’s survivable. Pretty bad, but survivable.

I’m reminded of a quotation from William S. Burroughs…

The events we see in the Liberation of Night destiny appear to be, if a little more than a &quotminor episode&quot, then perhaps a prelude to the true Liberation - a Land of Taking-What-You-Want that has yet to be developed into the complete revolutionary event that it might become.

Well, not speaking for anyone else, but my own character’s particular brand of revolution is that the Masters, and ultimately the Judgements, must pay for their crimes.

Whether anyone survives or not isn’t important.

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cælum!

Is there an item or quality that raises nightmares over time (ie without any action being done)?
My nightmares seem to be rising on their own whenever I check back. Any help would be welcome.

If you equip a Sporing Bonnet while having Nightmares 0 the game will give you Nightmares 1, and then add the +1 from the Sporing Bonnet so you end up with Nightmares 1+1=2. That is the only way I know of where the game gives you Nightmares for no actions at all.

…I don’t even have a Sporing bonnet. I do have the Moddish bonnet equipped so I guess some wires just got crossed or something. Thank you for the reply, I’m off to have a laudenum-induced stupor!

Has the Church Favour for Nevercold Brass card in Ladybones road have its requirements changed? I always draw there and I haven’t seen it in a week.

Is there an in-game explanation given somewhere for what’s on the surface now, where London used to be?


A swamp, I imagine. From where the part-of-the-River-that-was-not-Stolen (well, surely the entire Thames didn’t go underneath) flows into what is now a hole.
edited by Teaspoon on 7/13/2017

Oh right, the river. Thanks, that makes sense. I was imagining a great big hole with a fence around it and a tastefully discreet NO TRESPASSING sign nearby.

If a Neathy child goes to zee, do they become a zee-urchin?

I’m sorry, I’ll show myself out.

Judging by one path of Your Father’s Bones in SSea, some of the Neath’s children are capable of being zee-urchins while remaining fully on land.

I only know of a Great Game Favour (and Cryptic Clues) for Nevercold Brass Slivers in Ladybones Road, and that is still around. The Renown 10 option leads to additional profit.