Weekly Fallen London Questions, 29/07/2024

Did you lose some stormy-eyed or What the Thunder said? If you have enough (20 and 15 I think?) the storylet should be available anywhere in London.

I have Having Recurring Dreams: What the Thunder Said 18 and Stormy-Eyed 19.

The Wiki says the storylet needs Having Recurring Dreams: What the Thunder Said 15 and Stormy-Eyed 19. So it should be there, I was just wondering if anyone else who should see it can’t anymore.

Checked it and it’s still there: Fifth City stories. Just make sure the container is expanded to see it. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, I didn’t notice that Fifth City stories were hidden!

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Wait, there’s something else happening on Thursday besides the start of Sixth Coil?

Where did they announce this announcement?


Check the 46th post on the Sixth Coil Games thread, it’s from Hannahfbg and she mentions this.


My bet is still on the wisent game. 2 and a half years have passed already. :slight_smile:

I’d also love to see news on the new game, but since she specified it was a “Fallen London annoucement”, I wouldn’t bet on it being about a non-FL project. Certainly a curious timing choice though.

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But does “later in the day” really mean “1st of August”? I first thought so too, but then a few hours after that, the new stacks thing was announced (whatever that is - I’m still holding off on Firmament), so I thought she might have meant that. As in, “later in the day” being the very same day she posted that little teaser. Would that make sense?

I ventured into the blasted heath that was once Twitter and found this

Which to me, anyways, reads that the super secret bonus announcement is also going to be August 1st, rather than being the Stacks thing. I might just be doing a spot of bad reading comprehension though!


I can’t find the reference right now, but she has clarified that she meant ‘later in the day on the 1st of August’, not ‘later today’.


So… how’s firmament? Like how are you’ll enjoying it? Yes I could just shift through the appropriate thread but again, I prefer human interaction and also it’s early in the morning and I don’t have the power for that rn.

P.s. new profile picture! What do you think?

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Great, I love it! There is some deep lore there and putting the pieces together may be harder. I re-read my notes of the teaser (the book dream) and I am on the same line with this theory: https://old.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/1efo6sn/revisiting_the_wandering_fire_in_light_of/. Also, there’s a character that fits a good description of one that it’s quite old in the FL universe.

As for the activities, smuggling has some niece pieces of text and The Stack is amazing! I am still not sure if I like more than Evolution; it was easier to get more attached to a single character rather than 3.


Oh, that’s good to hear!

Well if I like any of them half as much as the yn than really, it should be fine.

Thank you for the response!

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Is it possible that we have a new dream? Very handsome non-discardable card that triggers at Nightmares 3?

If you mean this one, then yes, it has been there since the announcement of this year’s Estival.


Not that I ever want to spend time in the Bone Market, but can we have some other way of completing the Bird research than giving up our connected pet for the Mynah Bird? Considering how many avians are kicking around the Neath, surely I should be able to substitute in something else?

The Taciturn Mynah does stay in the lab once you start the studies and you can just return to your preferred pet. It’s not the most convenient, but it’s not a big hassle either.

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Yes, but my character wouldn’t give up her pet in the first place to get the Taciturn Mynah. But I’m drowning in owls and falcons and lyrebirds and terror birds and blue prophets and surely one of those would do instead?


That’s the one. Of course, the detail vanished once I closed the screen. And I so rarely have Nightmares 3, I hadn’t seen it before.

Thanks! :+1: