Weekly Fallen London Questions, 29/07/2024

The Taciturn Mynah does stay in the lab once you start the studies and you can just return to your preferred pet. It’s not the most convenient, but it’s not a big hassle either.

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Yes, but my character wouldn’t give up her pet in the first place to get the Taciturn Mynah. But I’m drowning in owls and falcons and lyrebirds and terror birds and blue prophets and surely one of those would do instead?


That’s the one. Of course, the detail vanished once I closed the screen. And I so rarely have Nightmares 3, I hadn’t seen it before.

Thanks! :+1:

…shake hands, i LOVE my tomb colony bandaged raven and named her and even if she’s just a line of code or whatever, giving her up feels rather upsetting!


Er, does anyone want a free Starveling Cat? I’m quite certain he won’t be an annoyance game-wise unless you choose so.


YES, thank you! Been thinking about getting one for a bit.

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