Weekly Fallen London Questions, 27/08/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for quick Fallen London questions!


Hello everybody, what would be the best course of action (kind of action efficient) to achieve Hedonist 15 and Austere 15?

What I am gathering from the wiki is that the most “sane” option is to raise hedonist from 10 to 12 through eating a whole load of Attar marmalade, then to 15 through kissing a cold head and afterwards, raise austere to the maximum possible through pure austere opportunity cards and then zailing to the Iron republic and spending my days there.

If someone can come up with any better options I will be eternally grateful.

Without doing the math I would probably raise Hedonist through the Typewriter or the Brass Skull. Kissing its cold blue lips sends you to the Tomb Colonies and leaving there caps your Hedonist again.

Edit: no, it doesn’t. Not sure where I got that from. Still, leaving the Tomb Colonies is an ordeal in itself and there’s a bunch of cards there that cost Hedonist for scandal reduction.

I am not sure getting Austere to 15 afterwards is possible as the increases in the Iron Republic are capped at 10 as far as I remember.

Edit: apparently there is one uncapped! Whether it is possible to get there reliably without screwing up your Hedonist in the process, I am not sure.

Edit2: it’s not even that bad. The route to cycle through day 27 is easy:
1 > (8 >) 12 > (17 >) 19 > 27 > 34 > 40 > 42 > 8 and repeat. And apparently quirks aren’t even changed that much in the Iron Republic. Is that a recent change? I haven’t been there for quite some time and remember it shuffling my quirks around a lot…


Thanks a lot for the math and explanations! I hadn’t accounted for the Typewriter option nor the actions invested in exiting the Tomb Colonies. So in the end it seems that my option still remains the same. While I enjoy the writing in the Iron Republic, since it trully encapsulates the lawful chaos of the place, I still do not like the random different checks I need to go through to be able to raise these quirks to these heights. However, I might be throwing a little bit of a crybaby’s tantrum here because of the need to go through the carroussel for a long time.

Anyways, thanks again, delicious friend!

You only need to succeed on day 27 Wounds Check nine times to get from Austere 12 to 15. Day 34 always gives +5 CP wounds and Day 12 gives +2 CP wounds on a Steadfast Success. Just have quite some wounds to begin with and it really isn’t that long of a grind.

Edit: I just realized, that I have no idea if you meet the Boatman when you reach 8 wounds in the republic. I just assumed you don’t, but if you do, the whole grind is much more convoluted because you probably have to maneuver through day 30 (bring 0 Revolutionary Favors) or day 17 (bring a weasel of woe) to reset wounds to 2 (making the day 27 check so much harder…). Maybe someone knows what happens at 8 wounds in the republic?


Didn’t know the carousel process, and it seems that I should have looked the wiki’s Iron Republic Streets map beforehand, since it is true that I can access the day 27 without fear of missing it out.

On what happens when you reach Wounds 8, I think that the wiki would mention if you got transported to the river. Only one way to find out, trully, so I will pass the info down.

If I remember correctly (and they haven’t changed anything since I last visited) any menaces you get in the Iron Republic fluctuate depending on your route and you do not end up in any menace area while you are there.
There is a way to reduce them before you leave using the “Oh dear, oh dear” option when you get to A Day for Reading.


New Zailer

Just bought my first ship a week ago and still fumbling to understand how do you actually open up the “fog-of-war” parts of the Unterzee map…

I wrongly assumed one can sail and find out but at least for now nothing but home waters seems available and neither the wiki nor Google provide any real clue.

Must I first finish the university MyN and then go on scientific expeditions? Attain some high-level cartography items? Something else?

(Minimum spoilers please).

From a quick look around the wiki, most of the locations require you to have progressed specific stories, that will give you or direct you towards the item needed to unlock said destination. In a few cases, you will be required to zail to those places to progress in the first place through those stories (the University is one of those, as you remarked).

And finally, a handful do require you to just… zail around until you draw the proper card, on which you will need to succeed at a challenge. There’s also one that does need you to have zailed a while, but you’ll find out about it through another story as well if I’m not mistaken.

Hope that helped, trying to avoid spoilers with this topic can be tricky, and my memory of this part is a bit foggy as well.

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Hello everyone! How does someone change their profession?

I’ve been an enquirer for quite a while now and I’d love to change it to something else, especially since I’ve recently become a PoSI, and that opens more interesting options (I think). However, I haven’t got the faintest idea of how to do that.

If someone could help out, I’d be most thankful.

As usual, the wiki has a guide about that.


That’s really usefull!

Thanks for the help :blush:

The Wiki is sparse on this topic in particular because Zailing was substantially redesigned a few years ago, and consequently many of the Power Editors on the Wiki haven’t experienced opening up the Zee under the new system.

I think there are two ways to open up Zee Regions. One is to gain access to a port in that Region by story progression. Voyage of Scientific Discovery will give you a few options; obtaining a Screaming Map is another option.

The second is to travel through an undiscovered Region en route to one you know. You will need to open up a new Region or two for this to matter. But do note, for distant regions you may have a choice of which direction to Zail, which may let you visit someplace new.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced equpping sundry relevant items and have them make no difference at all to the likelihood of success?

Case in point:
The Midnight Trade, storylet Negotiate with visiting Captains.
Requirements are Mithridacy + Inerrant. Chance of success remains stubbornly at 10% regardless of equipping 6 Mithridacy items (or 4 + 2 Inerrant)

Is this a bug?

Not a bug. You have a Mithridacy + Inerrant challenge and 4 + 2 = 6. So you get a 10% chance either way.

I see I didn’t make the situation clear enough. I only mentioned both equipment options in case the choice made a difference. But of course I realsed that they both add up to the same total.

The ten per cent chance is present without any additional equipment. That’s the issue. Adding the equipment does not move the dial.

Well that is a tough challenge then. At least I think you are saying that it is 10% with no relevant equipment and still 10% with 6. I’m sure that someone will have worked out how tough it is but I haven’t come across it myself.

As far as I know for these challenges it makes no difference which equipment you add it is the total that matters.

It won’t raise from 10% until your total mithridacy+inerrant is at least 15.


Appreciate it, xkiv. Grump. The only other time I’ve had similar happen has been in tricky territory at zee. Ah well.