Weekly Fallen London Questions, 24/02/2025

Here’s this week’s thread for any quick Fallen London questions you’re looking for answers to!

Has the duration of Exceptional Friendship been silently reduced?

It used to be 31 days per subscription, but the one I bought a few minutes ago tells me I have “28 days left of Exceptional Friendship”.

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IIRC it’s “just long enough to last until the same day-of-month next month”. So in january you get 31 days, in february you get 28 (29 in leap years). In the end you pay 12 equal monthly prices for a full year (works just like salaries in places I am familiar with).


Really weird question about the FATE embargo: would it count as breaking the embargo to post all of the possible options for House of Chimes acceptance along with their qualifications needed? I’m considering buying the bullet to spend the fate on it but I don’t want to run afoul of the content policy, and to date there is not a comprehensive list either on the forum or wiki.

Admitted to the House of Chimes :

  • 1: An innocent (no requirements)

  • 2: An extraordinary beauty (Persuasive 20)

  • 3: A player of games (The Boatman’s Opponent; Watchful 20)

  • 4: An audacious zub-mariner (An Experienced Zailor: A Well-Known Navigator or A Zee-Voyager of Note; 1x Zubmarine)

  • 5: A cold-hearted Killer (1x Ravenglass Knife; A Bringer of Death)

  • 6: A noted trainer of weasels (1x Araby Fighting-Weasel)


  • 8: A true patriot (1x Copy of your Patriotic Adventure)

  • 9: A dabbler in sulphurous liaisons (An Intimate of Devils)

  • 10: A traitor (no idea)

  • 11: A committed cat-wrangler (Shadowy 30)

  • 12: Not to be crossed (Dangerous 20)

  • 13: Possibly a lunatic (Seeking Mr Eaten’s Name 5)

  • 14: Enigmatic (Ambition: Enigma 10)

  • 15: Illegitimately Royal? (1 Fate)

  • 16: A font of devil’s tears (Renown: Hell 15)

  • 17: An Enemy of Brass (1x Nevercold Brass Sliver)

  • 18: Privately Talented (10x Confident Smiles; Persuasive 100)

  • 19: The Rooftop Dancer (Shadowy 60; Route: The Flit)

  • 20: An Unparalleled Grotesque (10x Hard-Earned Lessons)

  • 21: A Visionary (A Person of Some Importance)

  • 22: A Prisoner of Despair (Melancholy 4)

  • 23: A Speaker of Truth to Power (Subtle 4; Forceful 4)

  • 24: A Possessor of Impossible Table Habits (no requirements)

  • 25: An Oenologonaut (1x Bottle of Black Wings Absinthe; 1x Bottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise; 1x Cellar of Wine; 1x Bottle of Broken Giant 1844; 1x Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe; 1x Bottle of Greyfields 1868 First Sporing; 1x Bottle of Morelways 1872; 1x Bottle of Greyfields 1882; 1x Bottle of Greyfields 1879)

  • 26: Orphaned in a Grisly Accident (no requirements)

  • 27: A Liar among Liars (1x Searing Enigma; 1x Uncanny Incunabulum; 1x Extraordinary Implication; 1x Appalling Secret; 1x Cryptic Clue; 1x Whispered Hint)

  • 28: A Scarlet Saint (Renown: Hell 40; Renown: The Church 40; Austere 12; Hedonist 12)

  • 29: A Legendary Calumnist (Watchful 100; Persuasive 100; Scandal 7)

  • 30: An Artist in Ivory (A Scholar of the Correspondence)

  • 31: It’s not what you know…! (Connected: The Masters of the Bazaar 5)

  • 32: A wanderer of Parabola (Having Recurring Dreams: Is Someone There? 10; Having Recurring Dreams: A Game of Chess 9; 7x Memory of Light)

  • 33: A Meteorological Moment! (Having Recurring Dreams: What the Thunder Said 10; Stormy-Eyed 5)

  • 34: The Inescapable Arm of the Law (1x Antique Constable’s Badge; Watchful 100; Renown: The Great Game 25; Renown: Constables 40; Ascending the Reliables List of Mr Pages 3; Investigating the Rubbery Murders 12)

  • 35: A Blood-Cousin to Predators (Marked by the Eater-of-Chains 3; Watchful 100; Dangerous 100; 1x Araby Fighting-Weasel; 1x Bengal Tigress; 1x Fairly Tame Sorrow-Spider; A Procurer of Savage Beasts; 1x Ancient Hunting Rifle)

It’s been a while since I collated these, some requirements might have changed in the meantime.


10: A traitor (no idea)

Currently not obtainable, but since a requirement for A Blood-Cousin to Predators is NOT to have an Extravagantly Titled Tigress I believe it is likely the key to that one.

#13 does not actually admit you, I believe, and is an unobtainable quality but does have another negative effect instead according to in game text.

#14 is not legitimately obtainable.

Is woesel+census with the occasional mix of porter+insights still the optimal Watchful grind? Getting that last little bit to get it to 200! (Will also accept any input on shadowy raising in 2025; it’s been sitting at 130 for so long…)

If you have a good option for reducing NIghtmares I like Seeking Curios and Secrets in the Forgotten Quarter for raising Watchful (there are some nice rare successes). It also has options that raise the other stats.

For Shadowy The Crowds of Spite, not the best money maker, but you get Shadowy cp as part of the rewards.

The new Horticultural activity in Spite should also be good for Shadowy now.

Social actions include some options. Being pursued by the polite poisoner offers an option that includes shadowy gains. Loitering offers shadowy gains (and hastily scrawled warning notes, which in turn can be converted to shadowy CP).