Weekly Fallen London Questions, 23/09/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for any quick Fallen London questions you might want answers to!

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I need to get the Anticandles for Firmament by getting Le Précipice de la Tombée, but the only options are for the Index of Banned Works, 1899 Edition and the Annal of Lost Stars? Even after I got Lost Stats once already. Am I missing something?

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You need to go through the Stacks a few more times before it shows up.


I see, thank you! All shall be well.

Brush up your French as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Alas I have liberal arts college French which means I can translate a stanza of Baudelaire in only five hours with three dictionaries and also three pots of coffee.

I FINALLY got me them anticandles. Might do another run just to have spares, altho I am beginning to greatly regret picking up the Cartographer.


You can park the cartographer, though. Give her the cold shoulder.

I recommend current translation software, which is nothing short of amazing.


I didn’t realize I could ignore her, thanks!

Hello, beautiful failbetter staff.

A question regarding enhanced exceptional friendship:
the benefits of this kind of friendship includes “A past story, or two resets of stories they’ve played from a monthly menu” – what does it mean? where the mentioned monthly menu could be found/accessed?

The options are on the Fate page.


Note that for me, the part of the page that deals with that takes a while to load so you may not see it at first.

howdy! I made my fallen london account through google, and I would like to unlink it. To unlink it, i need to link an email account. I need a password to link my email. because I made my account with google, it doesn’t have a password. I can’t reset my password without an email attached to my account. please help!

Best place to reach out is support@failbettergames.com, they’re more diligent about responding there than on the forums. Although it might be past end of their business day right now.

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I think I just made a new password when I linked my email to “account through google”. Like a new registration, but from an account log on.

That worked, thank you.


So very dumb question please tell me if I am being stupid here, but I am new to fallen London and loving it! Up until now I have been an enquirer due to it fitting with my Sherlock Holmes like character, but now I want to get into something I have a real interest in, law and lawmaking. I want to be a lawyer and then go into politics in real life (god help me) and wanted to do the same in London, however it seems to me that that’s not really a thing in game, aside from the campaigner profession and some old NPC elections for mayor, so do you guys know of anything like that in fallen London I can barely read and understand the wiki so I turned here.


You can, in fact, practice law! One of the professions is to be a Notary - it’s one of the mundane professions that pays in cash instead of exotic items and doesn’t come with a high-stats tool of the trade, but it is an option.

Once you get into the later-game railway content, too, you can build a line out to the Magistracy of the Evenlode, where an ancient courthouse stands, and you can serve as a barrister there and argue cases.

Of the mainline professions, none are legal or legislative in themselves, but several have legal or political aspects.

  • The Campaigner - Mystic - Silverer path starts out religious or political and progresses into charting out dream-spaces where entire towns can be founded.

  • The Journalist - Author - Correspondent path leads into being able to write the laws of reality - a practice that is part science, part law, and part magic.

  • The Watcher - Agent - Midnighter path makes the player a key part of the world of international espionage, either as a facilitator of spycraft or as a spymater in their own right.


In addition to what Diptych said, several endings of Heart’s Desire cast you as a prominent political player. (That’s all I shall say on that for risk of spoilers.)


Thanks. This has helped me set a goal, I am at level 65 watchfulness once I reach 70 I am definitely going to pursue that!

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