Weekly Fallen London Questions, 22/07/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for quick Fallen London questions!

Are the number of anticandles that we will need for the next portion of Firmament known? If so, what is that number. I just did four runs through the stacks, got the chained volume and got one reward of 10 anticandles. I’m a bit burned out on stack runs but will do more now before the next Estival if we are likely to need more than 10 anticandles. Thanks in advance for any knowledge or wisdom you can offer on this.


The displayed requirement is 10 anticandles. You can see it by clicking on the purple-bordered card in Midnight Moon. The action available there has a requirement of 10 anticandles, some other items and a timegate.


Thanks, anthony. Looks like I better go get some mourning candles. I am 75 short of what I need.