Weekly Fallen London Questions, 20/12/2021

Boy, is it ever Monday! Here’s this week’s quick questions thread. Happy Sacksmas, folks!

Taste of Lacre: it’s at 6 now, and I think the only way I can increase it (from a pail) is with a Dreadful Surmise. I am pretty sure, though not 100%, that feeding the pail to the boar will not consume the surmise.

a) am I right? Curse that advent taste that rendered my monocle useless!
b) What’s the best way to get a dreadful surmise?
c) am I correct that it’s not consumed?
d) Will there be more pails ofsnow after Xmas day?

Yes, if you overshoot Taste of Lacre (which is really easy to do), then you can’t use the Monocle to raise it further. It’s a tad unfortunate but not the end of the world. Note that the Days of Sacksmas will give you &quotfree&quot points of ToL, so if you’re aiming to upgrade a Lodgings that will most likely give you enough to accomplish that goal. But worthwhile to sneak a look at a Christmas guide to ensure.

Using a Dreadful Surmise will consume the pail but will not consume the Surmise.

The best way to get a Surmise is during the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, in February. The options to get one right now all require some Railway progress. Either selling a pretty advanced Cover Identity at the University, or researching the Prelapsarian History of the Red Science. The former requires building out to the fourth station. The latter only requires Artisan Studies 2, which can be completed before building any station, as well as Traces of the First City, which become more common at the third station but I think technically are available after the first station.

More Pails of Snow can be purchased from the Urchin’s faction card, at the cost of Night-Whispers and Storm-Threnodies. Remember that you can force-draw their card with Favourable Circumstances, which you get one free every week with Time, the Healer! I think there’s another SNOWBOUND! or two left this year as well.

I happen to be empty on Hard-Earned Lessons, what would be the best way to gain them?

Social actions are the fastest way but require an acquaintance or an alt, otherwise I prefer slowly getting my chances through the give a gift card, the option that requires 8 hedonism gives one of each second chances (and also encourages me to actually use them when I start reaching the cap…)

I’m confused (as usual) - why would I want to dream the Burial of the Dead anew?

[quote=PSGarak]Yes, if you overshoot Taste of Lacre (which is really easy to do), then you can’t use the Monocle to raise it further. It’s a tad unfortunate but not the end of the world. Note that the Days of Sacksmas will give you &quotfree&quot points of ToL, so if you’re aiming to upgrade a Lodgings that will most likely give you enough to accomplish that goal. But worthwhile to sneak a look at a Christmas guide to ensure.

Using a Dreadful Surmise will consume the pail but will not consume the Surmise.

The best way to get a Surmise is during the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, in February. The options to get one right now all require some Railway progress. Either selling a pretty advanced Cover Identity at the University, or researching the Prelapsarian History of the Red Science. The former requires building out to the fourth station. The latter only requires Artisan Studies 2, which can be completed before building any station, as well as Traces of the First City, which become more common at the third station but I think technically are available after the first station.

More Pails of Snow can be purchased from the Urchin’s faction card, at the cost of Night-Whispers and Storm-Threnodies. Remember that you can force-draw their card with Favourable Circumstances, which you get one free every week with Time, the Healer! I think there’s another SNOWBOUND! or two left this year as well.[/quote]

Thank you. I already have my artisan studies and a fully upgraded lab (fate and all, merry xmas FBG). I’ve built Jericho Station, but the Traces of the first city are the hard part. I haven’t seen any yet.

However, if I can get some ToL from Mr Sacks, I’ll be fine with my one important upgrade.

I think this is a case for the wiki! (I try to avoid spoilers, but sometimes one must.)

[quote=Bluestocking][quote=PSGarak]Yes, if you overshoot Taste of Lacre (which is really easy to do), then you can’t use the Monocle to raise it further. It’s a tad unfortunate but not the end of the world. Note that the Days of Sacksmas will give you &quotfree&quot points of ToL, so if you’re aiming to upgrade a Lodgings that will most likely give you enough to accomplish that goal. But worthwhile to sneak a look at a Christmas guide to ensure.

Using a Dreadful Surmise will consume the pail but will not consume the Surmise.

The best way to get a Surmise is during the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, in February. The options to get one right now all require some Railway progress. Either selling a pretty advanced Cover Identity at the University, or researching the Prelapsarian History of the Red Science. The former requires building out to the fourth station. The latter only requires Artisan Studies 2, which can be completed before building any station, as well as Traces of the First City, which become more common at the third station but I think technically are available after the first station.

More Pails of Snow can be purchased from the Urchin’s faction card, at the cost of Night-Whispers and Storm-Threnodies. Remember that you can force-draw their card with Favourable Circumstances, which you get one free every week with Time, the Healer! I think there’s another SNOWBOUND! or two left this year as well.[/quote]

Thank you. I already have my artisan studies and a fully upgraded lab (fate and all, merry xmas FBG). I’ve built Jericho Station, but the Traces of the first city are the hard part. I haven’t seen any yet.

However, if I can get some ToL from Mr Sacks, I’ll be fine with my one important upgrade.

I think this is a case for the wiki! (I try to avoid spoilers, but sometimes one must.)[/quote]
To my knowledge, the only source of Traces of the First City before you build out to Evenlode is in the Viric Jungle. You will have to have fought the Bear and the Shark first.

I happen to have another question for my fellow Londoners: What would be the best way to grind tribute? I desire to gain access to the three other tiger ministers that I do not yet have. Would terms at Port Carnelian be the best source? Or perhaps I should just grind echoes and pay my way into the favour of the Banded Prince? What would you advise?

While I don’t know the most efficient way to grind out tribute specifically I’ll note two things

  1. If you’re planning on becoming a poet laureate eventually you can grind out the ballet that gives you tribute, it’s a small sum but it adds up and this is how I got my last 2 tigers
  2. The favours options are extremely efficient as well so if you’re not in a rush I’d just get them through those

Favors. They accumulate surprisingly quickly - criminals favors, docks favors, bohemian favors, church favors, society favors all work, so even though it’s card-based there’s a lot of cards that count.

If you really want it completely not card-based, then do your best echo grind and buy orphans and sell to tigers, but favors really shouldn’t take that long to get whatever you want.

Aha! I have done that (very recebtly), so off I go to Parabola.

ETA: Awesome! I not only got them, I increased my dangerous cap. Thanks so much!
edited by Bluestocking on 12/26/2021

If you have built the Magistracy, you can dive and search the lower/lowest floors.

Paleontological Discoveries can also get Traces of the First City, along with human ribcages and arms

[quote=PJ]If you have built the Magistracy, you can dive and search the lower/lowest floors.
Paleontological Discoveries can also get Traces of the First City, along with human ribcages and arms[/quote]

I was just thinking of doing that until PS Garak pointed me to an easier and better way. I think the evenlode is next after Jericho, right? I need a LOT of steel so it will take a while. Next year’s first project, perhaps.

Meanwhile: advice on Mr Sacks. This may not be a legit question because of fate, but I would appreciate a small hint if that’s OK.
The wiki says that my character’s natural choice of associating with Benthic gives options on days 5, 9 and 12.

Are the options worth foregoing the taste of lacre choices? I only need one more for my bare minimum (the royal beth upgrade), so I should get that tomorrow. More ToL, or fate locked mystery? Advice? Cryptic clues?

edited by Bluestocking on 12/26/2021 (c&p from wiki can play hell with formatting)
edited by Bluestocking on 12/26/2021

[quote=Bluestocking]Meanwhile: advice on Mr Sacks. This may not be a legit question because of fate, but I would appreciate a small hint if that’s OK.
The wiki says that my character’s natural choice of associating with Benthic gives options on days 5, 9 and 12.

Are the options worth foregoing the taste of lacre choices? I only need one more for my bare minimum (the royal beth upgrade), so I should get that tomorrow. More ToL, or fate locked mystery? Advice? Cryptic clues?[/quote] Fate-locked text and words are treated with care, but mechanical results are usually a-ok, especially if the verdict is &quotbuying Fate is good.&quot

Day 5, 9, and 12 with Benthic each get you a point (maybe 2? I only have screenshots) of Taste of Lacre anyways, so you won’t miss out on much (If you preferred, day 9 and 12 could get you buckets, day 5 and 12 could get you Connected: Masters). Plus, day 12 with Benthic gets you a fancy (non-unique) 312.5 item.

edited by elderfleur on 12/26/2021

Thank you, I shall proceed with more calm, and less fretting about missing out. It does indeed sound worthwhile. And in character.