Weekly Fallen London Questions, 2/11/2020

Here’s this week’s thread for quick questions!
edited by Diptych on 11/4/2020

An Implausible Penance has been updated recently, is there no difference in rewards in Bare-knuckle prize fight option, except one in way harder and raises suspicion on success?

After my Hallowmas activities my Persuasive dropped from 215 to 150. Best way to raise it back? I have access to all free content (all stations, lab projects, etc) and some of fate-locked.

What the heck did you do to make that happen?

We should not talk about that in decent society.

What the heck did you do to make that happen?[/quote]

Probably he did a bunch of SMEN stuff to rapidly grind menaces at the cost of stat loss; technically speaking SMEN has a much higher &quotmenace per action&quot efficiency than the three special areas.

So is the info on the wiki about how you qualify for the Railway content correct? Got a PP with PER 215 who’s been waiting several months for the card to show up, but it refuses to.

It was correct at the time it was added. It’s possible game updates have happened since then. RNG screwery is possible, but several months for an Abundant card sounds unusual.

Just in case, search your Qualities tab for “Involved in a Railway Venture,” and also head to Moloch Street to see if there are any relevant storylets. Both of those come up empty, then email support.

Damn, did a mistake and ended up in the tomb colonies because I have pushed scandal to high. Do I need to drop down to 0 now in order to get back to london again, or is there a shortcut for hallomas?

Pretty sure there is no shortcut. :-(


Well look at that! And with a The King In Yellow reference thrown in to boot!

Just in case, search your Qualities tab for &quotInvolved in a Railway Venture,&quot and also head to Moloch Street to see if there are any relevant storylets. Both of those come up empty, then email support.[/quote]

Thanks, you were of course correct, as usual. I must have had the card at some point and then forgotten about it entirely, because there was a storylet about board members waiting for me in Moloch Street. My memory failure was somewhat compounded by my unfamiliarity with getting about in the game since the map changes, because I had not even noticed that Moloch St. is now an in-game place you can travel to until you mentioned it today.

I’m such an idiot. Anyway, many thanks.

Does one of my alts want to marry the Buccaneering Paleontologist? At +10 Dangerous and +2 Bizarre, they seem a bit … frightening.

[quote=Snort]Does one of my alts want to marry the Buccaneering Paleontologist? At +10 Dangerous and +2 Bizarre, they seem a bit … frightening.[/quote]They’re just fiercely passionate. If it helps, they become a bit more soothing once they discover they love you as much as they love palaeontology. If your alt shares their passion, I’d imagine they’d get along quite well. Mechanically speaking, however, the Soothing Palaeontologist provides +1 Watchful and +1 Dangerous, similar to the +2 split provided by the Celebrated Artist’s Model or the Master Jewel Thief.