Weekly Fallen London Questions, 19/03/2018

Hey everyone - here’s this week’s thread for quick questions!

Do we know if there are any plans to ever add anything to the University again? After busting all over the unterzee compiling a mountain of research to get re-admitted to its hallowed halls, it’s been… sort of disappointing to realize that re-admission just amounts to regaining access to the two least interesting or useful storylets the place had.

I have not heard anything about the University, and I am also hoping we see something there, Court style. Possibly a library carousel!

There was unimplemented content called something like “Higher Studies” (mentioned in the loose ends thread in my sig). So we know that some work has been done on that

Higher Studies is an unimplemented way to raise SotC above 21, so unfortunately it’s not story content.

Do we know which well is the one in which He drowned? Or does that even have meaning, when all wels are His?

He drowned in the well beneath the temple, but who knows which temple that is these days.

The temple is Oop North, funnily enough. In a desert, as I recall.

Sounds like it might be the Chapel of Lights, then . . .

Out of curiosity - if you are married to an NPC, can you still be seen with another player, spend the night with your seetheart etc? Does the game allow you to have a spouse and a lover?


Any idea why Failbetter is insisting that whatever code to get more space-guano coffee shown on the Tumblr page is not posted elsewhere? They do want more followers on Tumblr, right?

P.S. There are coffee products which are practically the faeces of certain animals, such as civets - and yes, bats do eat coffee beans too, except that they don’t eat the entire beans and the ones left on the coffee plant are the harvest instead of their droppings.
edited by Rostygold on 3/26/2018

[quote=Rostygold]Any idea why Failbetter is insisting that whatever code to get more space-guano coffee shown on the Tumblr page is not posted elsewhere? They do want more followers on Tumblr, right?

They use access code usage to figure out how much visibility their outreach has. So, the number of people that use a code that is posted on tumblr tells them how much visibility they’re getting when they post there.

If you just take the code and put it somewhere else, it’ll mislead their data about that.

I wasn’t really thinking even necessarily story content so much as, I dunno, an item-gain carousel, or anything like that lol

I’ve basically burned through all the story stuff except finishing my Ambition and I’m eager for more things to do in the game’s various locales while I wait for updates. Things slightly more engaging than just riding the Soul Trade carousel, anyway.

Is this game incredibly laggy for anyone else? It takes a solid five seconds to discard cards.

Is there a way to get back to the Mirror-Marches from A State Of Some Confusion? I absent-mindedly wandered through a mirror.

Yes, me too.

GuessWho, there should be a Storylet called A familiar scene?

ETA: I misread. The other way is possible but requires fate
edited by genesis on 3/26/2018

My husband (esrtweet) and I have noticed that too. I’m having a longer period trying to draw cards than to discard them, though.

Very slow here too.