Weekly Fallen London Questions, 15/07/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for any quick Fallen London questions you’re looking for answers to!

behold, the banded Prince himself reveals his glory before you!

Do you bow?


“NLAI, are you just making an excuse to show off your cat?” Well yes, but really, are you going to press a gift cat on the beans?


Marchioness Beauchamp of the Technicolour Jungle greets you!


Oh she’s wonderful I love her!


Duke Axel the Nearsighted would also like to register his attendance at this meeting of the Court of Cats!


Oh great and glorious court of cats, answer me this riddle if you can: are we even getting an Estival this year?

Qjxnxnxjxjc I have no idea when it’s supposed to start but I was under the impression that it started at the very beginning of July and I’m on edge about missing it!


i bloody hope we do! i skipped out on the last Estival so this would be my first one, and it getting canceled would be a big ol’ bother let me tell you!

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The Blog post from early May mentioned estival for July. And we still have nearly 2 weeks of July.


What an imperial DARLING

He is Regal! We must bow!

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Is there a Bone Market expert in the house?

Let me start by saying I mostly avoid the BM because I find it endlessly frustrating. The requirements are opaque and I find it almost impossible to meet them, even in order to get rid of the great piles of smelly bones I don’t seem to be able to avoid amassing.

Case in point. Arachnids are in demand. No head, optional tail, eight legs. So I put together something with no head, no tail, eight legs. But the “spider” option required “more limbs”. Which additional limbs might those be? Where is the error? It had four segments at 2 legs each.

NB I ended up giving the bally thing a pair of wings and declaring it a chimera. Bah.

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If you could still put wings on it, that suggests you hadn’t put a limb in every slot that could take one. Thus, the skeleton was incomplete and you couldn’t sell it. If you have limb slots open but don’t want to give your skeleton more arms, legs, wings or fins, you can attach tentacles there - those fill the limb slot without counting as a limb.


Thank you. Yes, I assumed the problem was somewhere thereabouts. What I don’t understand is how the four segmented rib cages with 2 slots each produce a beast that needs 8 legs + 2.
NB thanks for the info about the tentacles. Don’t suppose that makes a spider…?

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Attaching a second segmented ribcage instead of a skull adds 4 limbs needed, rather than 2. You only need 3 segmented ribcages to make a spider. That said, yes, eight legs plus two tentacles would still count as a spider. Ain’t no rule that a spider can’t have tentacles!


I love it. Ha ha ha. :rofl:

P.S. Just wouldn’t want to meet it in a dark alley somewhere in the Flit.

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Is anyone else getting bad lag when playing Fallen London today? I do not think the problem is on my end as I am not experiencing lag on other games/sites/activities.