Weekly Fallen London Questions, 15/04/2024

For the F.F. Gebrandt’s Prelapsarian Exhibition event on the Sacroboscan Calender, are the unique Affiliations from it (Your Name in F.F. Gebrant’s Address Book; An Initiate into the Perfumer’s Arts; Memory of a Miniature Museum) mutually exclusive to obtain in one trip? That is, can you only obtain one of them per event? I was trawling the event on the wiki, and wasn’t able to get a clear sense on if that was the case.

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You can get both of them, but be warned, you will need to bring certain materials to “buy” them, so to speak. The only Waswood event where you can only get one reward per trip is the Viscountess at the Fruits of the Zee.


Silly question, but can you stack multiple moods at once? For example, can I stack two shadowy buffs from the mood cards already in my hand?

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So, I recall there being a whole business about getting an airship for Light Fingers. Is there any new options/text for that if you happen to do it after getting one legitimately for Firmament?


You can’t have two of the same mood

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I’m afraid to say I have now succomed to enjoying the bone market, and is trying to build up a curator…but I’ve now run into a problem: the game is giving me no option for adding arms into my skeleton-but I have arms! Quite alot of arms, a whole collection of corpse and skeleton parts, to the point it would be rather concerning anywhere except the neath. So, well, how do I add arms? Please help.

It looks like you’ve used up all the places limbs might be attached to your ribcage! If it had room for four, two legs and two wings is all you can fit.

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soohhhh-yeah, that explains that! thanks! so if i add more limbs with sa i should be able to add the required hands?

Yes, and use tentacles to fill up the extra slots. Can’t have four arms on a curator; that would be some kind of chimerical spider-curator beast

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:+1: thanks a bunch!

“ferb i know what we’re doing today”

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Is it currently not possible to filter possessions for Inerrant and Insubstantial, or do I have a browser issue if they don’t show up in the dropdown? I definitely have possessions increasing these stats.


I’ve been seeing the same. Thanks for the reminder, I just sent support@ an email.