Weekly Fallen London Questions, 15/02/2021

It’s the day after Valentine’s Day and the day before Shrove Tuesday, so, if anyone’s planning to eat any chocolate pancakes tomorrow, today’s the day to buy the chocolate! Also quick questions.

What’s the best way to grind Proscribed Material? Is it Unfinished Business or the Foreign Office carousel (450 per cycle)?

If you received the Censored Census of 1862 from the most recent Advent Calendar, then that’s the way to go. It’s both equipable (weapon slot) and interactable. The interaction gives healthy amount of proscribed materials, even on a failure.

If you have access to Moulin (final Railway stop), the first expedition (Upper Layer) pays out in Proscribed Materials. Longer expeditions are better for that.

[Edit] According to the Wiki, the Census is now available in the Bazaar Side-Streets for players who missed the advent calendar.
edited by PSGarak on 2/17/2021

How do I remove a deactivated user from my acquaintance list? They don’t appear on the list at Snub an Acquaintance at all.

In the past, I’ve removed people in account settings, top right on the page. There’s a “search contacts” function and a list with a convenient little X next to the names. Winnow away!

What is going on with the sudden trend in necro’d threads in this forum?

[quote=Ragnar Degenhand]In the past, I’ve removed people in account settings, top right on the page. There’s a &quotsearch contacts&quot function and a list with a convenient little X next to the names. Winnow away![/quote] Yes, I’ve done that in the past, but this time it doesn’t seem to work. The name appears on my &quotAcquainted With…&quot list but doesn’t appear on the list under Snub an Acquaintance. Maybe I’d better email Support.

I recently had someone use my character for a profitable little wheeze without a by your leave. I wrote to support about it, and they did the business both on my account and the other one. So I’m sure they’ll be able to help. It sounds odd, because I have deleted dead accounts in the past. Good luck.