Weekly Fallen London Questions, 14/10/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for quick Fallen London questions and answers!

I have avoided hangover of the century card so far because it warns of a hit to dangerous. I have now checked the wiki to find out just what happens and I think I get it but can anyone confirm - will it reduce my dangerous stat bar or am I safe. I want to avoid any hard stat reduction of that attribute.

It’s not permanent. It’s a burden - Oenophilic Opression - that you have to live with for 24 hours or so before it expires. There’s only 7 options before the card is locked, and the last one, the “empty cellar” option awards a captivating ballad in return for a favour in high places with no downside.

So yes, you’ve got to go through 6 days of temporary dangerous and shadowy reduction but the rewards are worth it if you can spend those days doing other things.

Great as long as it doesn’t affect my stat bar, which won’t recover. Thanks!