Weekly Fallen London Questions, 13/05/2024

I’ve just been doing this as a grind-- piracy for the plunder to trade for diamonds to sell for scrip. Is this not particularly efficient or recommended?

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I don’t know that I’ve seen an analysis for this. Just pure back of envelope, I think a piracy run takes around 15 actions and nets you something like 5500 stored treasure, and usually you can cash out small acts of piracy during that, so let’s say a run totals ~7000 or so treasure if you are reasonably lucky in cards. That’s close to 22% of a fabulous diamond. 22% of 625 scrip = 140 scrip, or 140 / 15 = ~9 scrip per action. Seems on par with many other of the reasonable grinds for scrip to me! Just a lot of variability though in terms of luck.